Meet the Twilight Dragon!




Have you ever met a dragon before? How about a Twilight Dragon? This cool creature is definitely unique! Twilight Dragons really like the nighttime – they DO enjoy an occasional sunny day, but they’d far rather bask in the moonlight. One other thing Twilight Dragons love: having lots of friends and a huge family!

57 Responses to Meet the Twilight Dragon!

  1. Emily says:

    I’M thinking about naming it Edward or Bella . . . whatcha’ think?

  2. icecream says:

    cute! Never had one of webkinz dragon before i want this one though really bad if it were a girl i’d name it bella and if it was a boy edward

  3. alicatt6 says:

    It is sooooo cute!! I LOVE it!!!!! Friend me at knip99 if you want!!

  4. tx webkinz gal says:

    I love the twilight dragon, but i am gonna get the mystic pony first. i want a name for it. i wood name it twilight, but i alreddy hav a webkinz named twilight. got a name?

  5. MadiWolfClaw says:

    I love this pet, I want one so bad. They should have a room contest or writing contest for one.

  6. poprocks10 says:

    This dragon is sooo cool! I wish i had it!!!!

  7. caitlyn18 says:

    he’s soooo cute i love him now that is a good one! luv it!

    add me caitlyn18 on webkinz

    look for more comments by me caitlyn18 =)

  8. brow55 says:

    wow t always wanted one!

  9. rockysocks says:

    kind of cute wonder what the psi is

  10. BunnyRose says:

    Yay! Another Dragon! I LOVE him!

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