Meet the Winner!


The votes are in! Congratulations to the winner of the 2023 Halloween Theme Design contest:



In addition to having their theme turned into a virtual theme that will be added to the WShop in October, Icewonders10 will also receive a virtual Webkinz Classic Raven from Ganz eStore and an Item Design Trophy. All ten finalists will each receive a Quirky Cauldron Cottage.


FINALISTS, PLEASE NOTE: Due to increased security in Webkinz Newz, we are no longer able to access the emails associated with your GanzWorld account. To receive your prize, please comment below and include your email. Don’t worry – your email will NOT be published. The Newz administrators will use the information to reach out to you to deliver your prize. 

43 Responses to Meet the Winner!

  1. rachelgirl193 says:


  2. bigkidathart says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Icewonders10!!! This is a great concept….looking forward to making my own spooky campsite!!!

  3. fancyduck58 says:

    Congratulations Icewonders10! This is a really cool theme, can’t wait to see how it looks in Webkinz World. :)

  4. constanceclume says:

    OooOOo0, yay! I look forward to purchasing this theme from the WShop! Looking forward to fall…

  5. 3canbc says:

    woohoo im glad congrats i love this theme, i hope that the tree could give us a free bat gummy for all to get with this theme, or maybe a cool ghost gummy marshmallow from the fire place, an ideal you know we love free food items, and dispensers, and seeds, just once a cool special item for all, with this Spooktacular theme, great job, love it. ill be saving money now, cause im broke and will need to be ready to buy.

  6. alucard says:

    Nice theme! Congrats to the winner. :-) Although like an above comment, I too have a Haunted Camp ground. I hope that the Webkinz Creators will make some WShop themed rooms from the other contestants, like the Painted Pumpkin design and the Rotting Pumpkin Patch. Those two designs were amazing!

  7. paduga1 says:

    Sally Webkinz, is this why support at the estore has not answered my email about my deluxe membership? It was on auto renew and I did not receive my Aurora Fawn or my special deluxe Zum teacup. I sent an email to eStore support first at & a few days later to I still have not heard from anyone. Is there another way to contact them? My daughter has the same problem.

  8. nettne2 says:

    so cute, I like that it is outdoor themed

  9. schuckers says:

    love this. i voted for it. cant wait for the spooky campsite

  10. glitchwave says:

    I was hoping this theme would win! I have a spooky campground already, but I can’t wait to update it with more fitting items! Congrats IcewondersIO!

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