Meet THREE Fantastic New Pets!








Three super new Webkinz pets have arrived in Webkinz World – but they’ll only be available today! Meet the oh-so-slimy Hagfish, the tough yet loveable Coral and the difficult to find but easy to adore Invisi-Kinz! You’ll love the Hagfish’s Slime Waterfall, the Coral’s “Coral-Coaster” and the super-mega-gigantic (but invisible) Invisi-Kinz bunk beds! If you’re looking for a unique AND awesome addition to your Webkinz family, look no further than this terrific trio!

Oh, and…April Fool’s!

238 Responses to Meet THREE Fantastic New Pets!

  1. wiiboy says:

    LOL! I thought the Hagfish was the pet and the Coral was the PSI for the pet! :D

  2. hyjitlhd says:


  3. jmhammer says:

    some of the glitches create invisible pets, so its not such a joke.

  4. catherinexo says:

    Haha almost had me for a minute… Scary enough… the hagfish is kind of cute in its own strange way. And the Coral Coaster would have been pretty cool…

  5. HeatherCatlady says:

    Happy Foolish April Day, everyone!

    Today’s my kitty’s birthday, too! No wonder she acts like such a fool. (No, not an April Fool’s day joke.) She’s 11 years old today.

  6. claw900 says:

    i would have bought that invisa kinz wow if only they were real you would have made a lot of money!

  7. eveningstar6100 says:

    my eye caught something at the bottom, so i looked down and i saw it was an april fool’s joke so that kind of ruined it :’( but still good joke!

  8. C.B. says:

    omg that is so funny. thats also the 2nd time today some one tricked me.even my science teacher tricked us. i love april fools day!!!!

  9. daycareprovider says:

    Computer only pets are getting old!
    If you think they are so popular make them both ways, so people could choose to have just the computer pet or both. I bet with most animals people will choose both when given the chance!!!

  10. Mudstar says:

    Dang it, no coral, hagfish, or Invisi-kinz? Ganz, that’s not a joke, that’s cruelty to my soul. XD

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