Meet THREE Fantastic New Pets!








Three super new Webkinz pets have arrived in Webkinz World – but they’ll only be available today! Meet the oh-so-slimy Hagfish, the tough yet loveable Coral and the difficult to find but easy to adore Invisi-Kinz! You’ll love the Hagfish’s Slime Waterfall, the Coral’s “Coral-Coaster” and the super-mega-gigantic (but invisible) Invisi-Kinz bunk beds! If you’re looking for a unique AND awesome addition to your Webkinz family, look no further than this terrific trio!

Oh, and…April Fool’s!

238 Responses to Meet THREE Fantastic New Pets!

  1. samisosa says:

    i think the hagfish was really ugly! but funny joke i love it! lol 8D

  2. dragonblood1 says:

    I love scary stuff !!!!!!! Especially man eating dragons and why wont any body think dragons are cool and study dragons!!!!!! Dragonology is cool!!!!!! And I am the original DragonBlood. and If any body has a questions for me about dragons and fairies write I check my post

  3. H1OP1 says:

    good one, ShibaQueen. Nearly fell for it
    I get tricked every year ALOT by my friends but mostly my older sister, who knows so many

    Kind of getting off topic, but LAST year, she made me sign this long contract, and I found out in OCTOBER what it said.
    Guess what? It said for Halloween I had to dress as a baby, however SHE wanted.

    So she did my hair all ‘cute’ and baby like(sticking up), made me wear baby like top, bib, diapar(in plain view, no pants), pacifier, baby shoes, and sit in a stroller. I also had to carry a stuffed animal and rattle in plain view.

    My friends and her pushed the stroller, which I couldn’t leave. So embarrasing!
    SO embarassing. just cause of an April fools joke… :(

  4. rachel says:


  5. ktt08 says:

    that is sooooooooooo cute! it looks kinda like a snail…………………..

  6. Someone who knows says:

    Why are all of you guys picking on queenmissy6!? I mean she said she was sorry! Maybe if you guys stop attacking her, she will be nice, and won’t feel like she needs to be mean. I have quite a few friends that were the ones getting picked on, and being ignored, and they are REALLY nice! Everyone thought that they were mean, but they AREN’T! They are really nice! So I guess what I’m saying is, give queenmissy6 another chance, and stop picking on her, and calling her a liar, and maybe she will be nice!

    I hope this helps your problem queenmissy6.

  7. ButterTail says:

    That was hilarious! For a second I thought they were real, so I was like, “An Invisi-Kinz? WHAT THE HECK??!” and then I started laughing when I read the April Fool’s part.

    By the way, queenmissy6, I don’t think you’re being mean at all. I haven’t been a member of Webkinz Newz very long, so I haven’t read most of your comments. But if you did say something mean, I forgive you! Don’t worry about what the other people are saying about you. Since you apologized, it’s not fair for them to be mad at you for being mean if they are being mean themselves.

  8. Gator737 says:

    I want the hagfish! :( You really got me though! Maybe you could release those pets and things in the future? :)

    • Blitzu says:

      Did I hurt your feelings? I’m sorry if I did. I have a lot of Webkinz pets, but the hagfish isn’t my type of thing I want to be adopted by me. But Gator737, Ganz is looking for the same people you are, willing to buy their new creations. We are all different people, and we have different likes and dislikes, but go for it, if you want it, go and get it! Ganz would be really happy, and you’d get all the cool stuff, PLUS 2000 KinzCash! Go ahead and buy it!

  9. Blitzu says:

    That fish I personally think is really creepy….have you seen the real one? really do like the coral, it’s really pretty….There bunk beds, AND invisible!

  10. Tulip says:

    Sure, queenmissy6 may have said some offensive or bad things, but that’s what forgiveness is for. Think about it, we’re all humans with feelings. Right now, you guys have just about crushed queenmissy6′s feelings. She already said she was sorry, you guys just need to accept it. I forgive all things she may have said in the past, and all things she might say in the future. I hope you guys will read this comment and ponder it in your hearts.

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