Menorah Gallery!


Menorahs have returned to the WShop just in time for Hanukkah!


The festival of lights runs this year from Sunday, December 6th to Monday, December 14th!


Here’s a look at all of the Menorahs we’ve released over the years, including the ones available this year!





If you’re celebrating the holiday, we wish you a Happy Hanukkah!


57 Responses to Menorah Gallery!

  1. Chachagirl150 says:

    Thanks for letting our holiday be represented Webkinz! Sigh. So bummed Hanukkah is already over. :(

  2. NightShade12 says:

    I need the hovering menorah the silver menorah the silver shining menorah and the colorful menorah so bad!!!

  3. unicorngirlses says:

    i wish i was jewish. That would be so cool. but thats really cool that they have jewish candles on webkinz !!!!!!( Is it just me or is webkinz getting better and better :)

  4. Ikawolf says:

    Because I’m not religious, I feel so awkward purchasing Menorahs and Christmas trees, but they’re just so pretty!

  5. hedgymama says:

    I wish we could have a driedl toy for our pets.

  6. kittymade10 says:

    I have both 2015 ones, and Magnificent Menorah.

  7. roosteelflash says:

    Thank you so much for these menorahs. I love how you light the candles on each night of Hanukah. Would you ever consider making a Hanukah themed room? I don’t even know what that would look like except maybe nice wintery windows and fireplaces that don’t have Christmas wreaths or decorations on them. Maybe a banner that says Happy Hanukah or a plate of latkes or jelly doughnuts. Maybe furniture and wallpaper in blue and white or silver. It would be so fun to have a specially themed Hanukah room. I do have a Menorah room where I display the 8 different Menorahs I have (I don’t have the Silver Menorah) but besides the menorahs, the room doesn’t look very festive. Anyway, thanks again for all of these menorahs. It is very nice and very inclusive of you.

    • Ikawolf says:

      I agree. I’ve always thought that Hanukkah deserves more recognition in regards to our very diverse community of Webkinz players and staff. I’m thinking maybe even a Chinese New Year celebration or something.

  8. TheMamaDragon says:

    Nice! Can we also get a Yule branch to hang on the wall?

  9. Spiderhulkman says:

    I was so excited to see this. I didn’t read it all the way because I rushed to the Wshop thinking they were ALL on sale. LOL >.< I think they are all uniquely beautiful and was hoping to get more of the past years versions. Each of my webkinz have a Menorah in their rooms and are excited to watch them light up! Thanks Webkinz design team!

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