Merry Mid Century Theme Leaving Dec 31

The Merry Mid Century theme will be leaving the W Shop at midnight on December 31st. If you haven’t picked up your favorite pieces from this fan-designed theme, head over to the W Shop now.


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9 Responses to Merry Mid Century Theme Leaving Dec 31

  1. hiphophipposrule says:

    This is without a doubt one of my favorite Christmas themes! The pieces were available with kinzcash & it also matched Tender Tidings theme quite well. Also, if Webkinz follows past traditions this theme will be back next year with additional new furniture items to add to it!

  2. Zooooooz says:

    I dunno. Too pink! :)

  3. PEBBLES1973 says:

    A Mid Century Piano & a Mid Century Tv would have been nice

  4. alucard says:

    It would be wonderful is Ganz/Team Webkinz would have a Webkinz Holiday Shop in addition to the regular WShop. They could put one or two of each of the Holiday Room themes there and we could go buy them with KINZCASH, not ePoints! Or….come up with a new DIY furniture theme, where we could get a bed, side table, dining table, chairs, couch, rug, etc. The paint could make a Christmas design, a Halloween, design, a Spring design, and Summer and Fall design too! Maybe have at least 2 or 3 different paint bottles of each Seasonal Theme available to players with KINZCASH, not ePoints, and not having to do a “Floating Paint Bottle” thing! I want to make holiday rooms anytime of the year and not just during the season of each holiday. Keeping holiday room themes available all year would be the best! :-)

    • noodle21 says:

      @alucard I agree completely! Some of my favorite items are holiday items and I wish they were available year-round! I’d go crazy :) add me as a friend! user elpotato

  5. granma4 says:

    I really wish they didn’t take things away when they are so new.

  6. beegee147 says:

    The plate of cookies is one of my favorite items from this theme!! They look nice in so many rooms, and I love placeable foods :)

  7. ndtractorboy05 says:

    I do have this theme. It is super fantastic.

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