Mini Pinscher Winners

Congratulations to isabelwebkinz, preciouskitty2007, spotedpelts, fmeharg and helloitsmeow! They’ve each been sent an adoption code for a Mini Pinscher, September’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Mini Pinscher any time in September to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special gift you choose yourself.


Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

6 Responses to Mini Pinscher Winners

  1. VB_Jeebies72 says:

    Strangely, so did fmeharg! They both must be crazy lucky!

  2. 4guineapigs says:

    isabel won 2 months in a row :(

    • isabelwebkinz says:

      so grateful to ganz for their generosity to me and the rest of the community! i’m so glad that all of us are able to be gracious whether we win or lose :)

  3. brookearden13 says:

    congrats to everyone who won!! <3

  4. zuzzzi says:

    congrats to all the winners!

  5. alegra13 says:

    aw for but good for u

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