Molly: Not So Sure About the Big City






To: Ms. Pig

From: Molly

Subject: Life in the Big City


Hi Mom!

How are things in Kinzville? Things are okay in the Big City. I mean, I guess it’s not really what I was expecting. It’s pretty crowded and noisy here. I find it kind of scary when we’re walking down the street and there is just a crush of shoppers rushing around. At one point I thought I got separated from Polly and her family and I really started to panic, being caught alone in a mob of strangers. But then Polly’s dad appeared and he said that he saw where I was the whole time so you don’t need to worry about me.

We went out for dinner to this really fancy restaurant last night and there were all these unusual items on the menu. I didn’t know what to order so I chose something with a weird sounding name and just between you and me when it came I thought it was pretty gross. But I couldn’t say anything because Polly and her family and Kimmy were all raving about the food like it was the best ever. I guess I just prefer the food at Le Snout.

When we went to bed last night I really missed you tucking me in. I tried not to think about being away from home, but Amanda and Kimmy kept giggling and talking and all I could think about was how nice it would be to be back at home in my own bed.

I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I know how lucky I am to be here. I guess I just miss you. A lot.



24 Responses to Molly: Not So Sure About the Big City

  1. CoconutCloud says:

    Homesick? Don’t worry Polly, anyone would feel a little homesick. Just don’t think about it. ;-)


  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    Aww I felt like that at first when I stayed at camp for the first time!!!!!!!

  3. wazzup says:

    Don’t worry! I even live in a big city! Don’t worry i get homesick too. Just stay near someone you know and you will never go lost thats what i do. Cheer Up! Wait for a while and see if you like it or not there OK? I’ll be here if ya need me

  4. ruchirock says:

    She’s just missing home, homesick! Cheer up, you’ll feel so much better in the morning when it’s the start of a new day! Anyway, I’d rather go to the Carribean! And make sure you know what the food is before you order! You seemed to have ordered something reeeeeeally random! Hold hands with Polly when you’re walking so you don’t get separated! And Amanda AND Kimmy? What’s Kimmy doing there? That isn’t really considerate of Amanda, considering the fact she’s bringing someone else, and her daughter’s father and daughter’s friend is there, not to mention the friend is away from their home and family! And how do you expect to fall asleep when Amanda and Kimmy are talking loudly, NON-STOP!


  5. Soccer5659 says:

    That’s how I felt when I went to a camp ground with my friend! I felt homesick just like you did! But I ended up having the BEST TIME EVER! :)

  6. Hello Kitty ROX! says:

    Things will be better, Molly!! ~Hello Kitty ROX! ^.^

  7. lcgirl2 says:

    hEY! Molly, I know when you move away from your neighborhood and family it can be tough. I’ve moved three times in my lifetime but now I’m glad to be where I am. I love my neighborhood, neighbors, and staying in town. I’ve only been away from home a week at a time but that is really hard I’m a moma’s girl. Though I kind of miss my old home I really feel great with being at my home and friends. Molly give it some more time good luck

    Love lcgirl2

  8. sonici says:

    Maybe Tommorow Will Be Better Beacuse You Have Seen Thing Around And There Are Some AMAZING Fashions, Mabbye You Can Get A BEAUTIFUL Dress Or Comfy Sweater Or A Rockin Shirt! :D


    • DogLove1 says:

      Agree. Or maybe you’ll find a food you like, or get something you’ve always wanted, or get an ADORABLE plushie!
      Maybe you’ll even win something! ( Or find something)

      BTW, Molly, you wear the same clothes all the time.


  9. MDIChickadee says:

    Hi Molly! What a sweet letter to your Mom! I think I would feel the way you feel – big cities can be fun, but they can be a bit scary, too, if you are not used to them. And anything new is always better when it is with your own family. You are a smart young Kinz, and I am glad you are making your parents proud with your good manners, your thoughtfulness, and your honesty about yourself. Hope there are parts of the city that you like! All the best! MDIChickadee

  10. batluver says:

    That’s exactly how I felt when I went to overnight camp for the first time. I’m sure you’ll be fine Molly!

    • krystalkat says:

      I felt the same way during my summer to my grandparents farm, but then I noticed it wasn’t go bad. Sure, you have to be away for a while, but it was fun. :)
      ~KK (on lt)

    • tigerstripe says:

      that’s how i felt when i went away. but i had friends, and u have polly. so u’ll be ok! don’t worry!!!

      • sarahandlacey says:

        I know you’re thinking about how you don’t want to be there, but when you come home you’re going to be happy you went! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

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