Molly: Not So Sure About the Big City






To: Ms. Pig

From: Molly

Subject: Life in the Big City


Hi Mom!

How are things in Kinzville? Things are okay in the Big City. I mean, I guess it’s not really what I was expecting. It’s pretty crowded and noisy here. I find it kind of scary when we’re walking down the street and there is just a crush of shoppers rushing around. At one point I thought I got separated from Polly and her family and I really started to panic, being caught alone in a mob of strangers. But then Polly’s dad appeared and he said that he saw where I was the whole time so you don’t need to worry about me.

We went out for dinner to this really fancy restaurant last night and there were all these unusual items on the menu. I didn’t know what to order so I chose something with a weird sounding name and just between you and me when it came I thought it was pretty gross. But I couldn’t say anything because Polly and her family and Kimmy were all raving about the food like it was the best ever. I guess I just prefer the food at Le Snout.

When we went to bed last night I really missed you tucking me in. I tried not to think about being away from home, but Amanda and Kimmy kept giggling and talking and all I could think about was how nice it would be to be back at home in my own bed.

I hope I don’t sound ungrateful. I know how lucky I am to be here. I guess I just miss you. A lot.



24 Responses to Molly: Not So Sure About the Big City

  1. LilyM1880 says:

    Molly u will be OK! i just feel it! and ur mom is still with u in ur heart and mind and soul! ur never alone and ur with ur friends too! anyways ull be fine very soon! :);):D;D=)C: ~LilyM1880

  2. Jeans says:

    Aw, Molly, it’s okay. I get homesick when I am away from home too. One time my dad had to drive all the way from California to pick me up because I was so sad every day I was away from my mom and dad. Molly, tomorrow morning after breakfast, ask if you can call your mom and talk to her. Did your mom send you any special letters or pictures of her? I would keep that in a pocket with me all the time. It might help to know she is close, even if it’s only a picture of a note.
    I am glad you have a family to miss.

  3. pureluck says:

    just think about happy thoughts and it’ll be fine.i did that when i went to one of my bff’s house it all turns out to be AWESOME!!!!!

  4. ygirl says:

    it is ok molly ;) :):):):-)

  5. cathouse2 says:

    Another reason why I was homesick was because I missed my pet kitty named Lizzy. I love my cat so much and it was hard being away from her, even for one day.


  6. cathouse2 says:

    I’ve felt like that before. Two years ago my family and I slept in a hotel for more than two nights, and I felt a little homesick. I know how you feel Molly. It will be OK!


  7. rosey3345 says:

    i think that you will be just fine after you get used to the new changes

  8. Pipsqueak says:

    When I tried sleepaway camp last year back in Gr. 5, I felt so homesick. So I kinda know how you feel. Why don’t you talk to Polly about it? I’m sure she’ll help you. Good luck!

    Your favourite mini-marker,
    Pipsqueak :-D

  9. Gabriella♥ says:

    There’s a saying. “Home is where your hat is” I don’t know what it means, but I’m guessing that if you have a part of you from back home, like a fave hat (hint hint) or teddy bear or something, you’ll think of home, and it should make you feel better. Hope it works! ♥


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