Molly Pig’s Ode to a Delicious Vegetable

You grow tAll and straight,
You’re a lovely shade of Green,
You’Re happy in a Pan,
Or in a Soup tUreen.

You’re lovely with some butter,
Or Some sAlt – but just a pinch,
Think about this poem,
And the answer is A cinch!

154 Responses to Molly Pig’s Ode to a Delicious Vegetable

  1. Rebecca says:

    Asparagus or a leak!

  2. OnlyForever says:

    I want that Sparkling Pegasus soooooooooo bad. I have entered every Sparkling Pegasus contest except for the video one, I didn’t finish what I was working on f’or the video in time, I can’t even explain how badly I want this pet!!!

    P.S. – U rock Ganz :)

  3. OnlyForever says:

    AGRPSUSA, what does that scramble into?
    Asparagus??? ;)

  4. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Well, because of all of the other comments, and you may have figured out the clue, you know what it is. But I ain’t tellin you because then there would be more of a chance that I will get a sparkling pegasus or silk sparrow! I can’t even dicide which one I want more. Pegasus’s are my favorite animals, I have the regular pegasus and the golden pegasus, but I never found the sparkling pegasus as a really nice one. I don’t know why I don’t care for it much. And the silk sparrow is soooo cute! It really does look like silk.
    So, I like pegasus’s more, but the sparrow is cuter….I want them both equally!

  5. natey says:


  6. poodlep07 says:

    Its Asparagus!

  7. a good cook says:

    it is asparagus, i cooked asparagus, tacos and fish sticks on the stove and it made canoopaddarole:) yea I did it, well really we all did it;) good job every body

  8. Alexandria says:


  9. MollyPig says:

    Good Job You Guys! :)

  10. seaturtle says:

    don’t worry chef i found out one of your recipies tocoas + apargus + fish sticks =canoopaddarole

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