Molly Pig’s Ode to a Delicious Vegetable

You grow tAll and straight,
You’re a lovely shade of Green,
You’Re happy in a Pan,
Or in a Soup tUreen.

You’re lovely with some butter,
Or Some sAlt – but just a pinch,
Think about this poem,
And the answer is A cinch!

154 Responses to Molly Pig’s Ode to a Delicious Vegetable

  1. redb113 says:

    Tacos+Fish Sticsk + asparagus=

  2. EEVSPEAK says:

    Thanks, Cindy, you’re awesome! I’ll see if I can help you tomorrow! Best of luck, everyone.

  3. anagirl says:


  4. 50ish says:

    Yeah for Asparagus!!!

  5. crafter19 says:


  6. jess says:

    I love Asparagus!!!

  7. FallGirl88 says:

    Congrats to everybody who solved the first recipe. Keep cupcake in mind though…it might be useful.

  8. missO75 says:

    that was easy!

  9. Padmai says:

    If you notice, there are some capital letters that don’t belong in the ode. AAARU which are all in the Canoopaddarole. I didn’t see the other articale. Will check it out now

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