More fun Rooster facts!


It’s your August Pet of the Month, the Rooster, coming to you again with another fun rooster fact. Have you ever noticed the red ridge along the top of my head? That’s called a ‘comb’. Roosters have combs on the top of our heads, and under our chins we have another red flap called a ‘wattle’. My comb and wattle may make me look like one stylin’ dude, but they actually have an important function besides looking cool. Blood circulates between my comb and wattle to help keep me feeling cool too!


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15 Responses to More fun Rooster facts!

  1. Kulkid2000 says:

    The comb looks like a mohawk, and the wattle looks like a beard. :mrgreen:

  2. Transformersgirl says:

    I Didn’t know that.

  3. Bobkinz says:

    We have 60 roosters and 100 hens. And yes, they are free range!

  4. CocoaBunny says:

    That’s cool! I’ve been taking care of two roosters for a while and I didnt know that.

  5. Icefox says:

    Interesting! I did not know that! I thought that the comb and the wattle were to impress the females

  6. Moonstar says:

    Oh i new that!!!

  7. Ash says:

    Cool! I never knew that!

  8. Kirby42280 says:

    I love my rooster!!

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