More New Items Available NOW in the Mobile Zone!


We’ve added the last few items from our Modern Boutique theme to the Mobile Zone! Check out these stylish items you can use to complete the set, along with some more cool clothes:



Want to know what other items were recently released in the Mobile Zone? Check out our earlier Webkinz Newz stories here and here!


The Webkinz Mobile app is FREE to download at the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store!


If you don’t have a mobile device, visit the Trading Rooms in the Clubhouse to find players willing to trade you some of these cool items!


Have you been collecting the Modern Boutique theme? Let us know in the comments below!


103 Responses to More New Items Available NOW in the Mobile Zone!

  1. droolia says:

    I wish I could get them too. Sadly, my little tiny-minded device has IOS 4.8 and I need IOS 8 to get the program to run. I’m hoping to go onto it through my sister’s phone and buy some of these items, because they are so cool! I wish that Webkinz would put up the prices for them so that we would know how much Kinzcash to keep on hand in case we ever get into a sibling, parent or friend’s mobile device and have one chance to get as much of the stuff as we can. I am estimating about 20 000 Kinzcash, though…

  2. Lisamarie580 says:

    i have every item in the modern boutique theme

  3. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    The beret, big funky hat, boots, and skirt are not on mobile for me. Everything else is but those… :( Anybody else having this problem?

  4. Caitybaby1 says:

    But all of these have been available for a while, can’t we add some new ones?

  5. CLA_soccer says:

    This stuff is nice and all but what about the boy players? There is not as much stuff for them to buy. Ganz should come out with more items that are boyish

  6. piggy6 says:

    I love this prizes! So amazing. Thanks so much Ganz. Webkinz mobile rocks! BTW speaking of prizes, I’ll send anyone any of the boutique items in exchange for some deluxe member items and my user is rtyipy567! Thanks so much!

  7. piggy6 says:

    I have webkinz mobile! And BTW, it’s awesome! I’ll send anyone any one of those items for some deluxe member prizes! I have also wanted to be one!!! Too bad my parents wouldn’t though. Just tell me which ones you want. I’m rtyipy567.

  8. xCountryKinz17 says:

    I want funky hat…. :(

  9. FriedManny says:

    I love the modern boutique items! :D For some reason I can’t see the items when I go into the mobile zone. :S

  10. Dolan says:

    If you friend me, I can send you any or all of the Mobile Shop items. I’m punk4life.

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