More Webkinz Room Designs!


Mandy, Michael and Steve review some more Webkinz room designs that were sent to the Webkinz staff by players like you! The room designers featured in this video have the chance to become finalists for our next Webkinz Room Design Awards:



Miss our last Webkinz Room Designs video? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


Want to send us screenshots of some of your favorite rooms? E-mail them to Michael at Who knows, you might see them in a post right here on Webkinz Newz!


25 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. Furretts says:

    wow thanks for the feature!! mine was the playground but i think there was a mixup in my username spelling hahaha

  2. Nattie says:

    Great room designs everyone and congratulations on being featured!

  3. animalsmatter1 says:

    Hi, Michael, Mandy, Steve, I forgot to mention—you guys are right: the cool bed with the lights over it, in the “My Room” room design is a PSI—it goes with the Peace and Love Puppy. (So this is my chance to make a shameless plea to Ganz): Would you consider doing another “peace” puppy………??? So far, you have released the Peace Puppy, the Peace-Out Puppy, and the Love and Peace Puppy—and each is more adorable than the next! Such a neat and unique ‘series’ of pets-with unique PSIs. Again: congratulations to all the wonderful designers featured this week! I so enjoyed your rooms!

    • TropicalGirl says:

      Thanks for the info about the bed, animalsmatter1. I love finding out where all the cool items come from, and I LOVE that bed! I second the plea for more Peace/Love puppies or any other pets with that theme.

  4. FennecFox says:

    cool rooms! c:

  5. bubbashuka says:

    WONDERFUL rooms today!

  6. TabbyStar95 says:

    It would be so nice for your players to design a new park to hang out in.

  7. beerfeet says:

    Wow the castle room by acoolant was great. I have struggled trying to find a way to use that particular wallpaper…you created the most wonderful effect by using the castle with it. Great job.

  8. leeann15 says:

    Love, love all the room designs! Such creativity. The squirrel’s den is just so clever. It reminds me of my dear poppop who loved squirrels. Great job everyone.

  9. r3ppinnj23 says:

    Great to see my friend LollyLully!! I love her room design. Great work to the other rooms as well, so creative.

  10. animalsmatter1 says:

    Totally blown away by this week’s room designers!! The collection of rooms really gives a sense of life in WW—the clothing store, the “my Room” bedroom, the diner, both playgrounds (so delightful!), the cozy squirrel nests, that serene castle room, and that drive-in—all spectacular! Congratulations to all who are featured this week! So much fun having Steve guest host; loved his comments that give us a little behind the scenes on items created for WW.

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