More Webkinz Room Designs!

Hey Guys! Check out these awesome room designs created by 8 talented Webkinz players:



Congratulations to everyone featured in this post. You are all amazing room builders! Miss our last room design video? CLICK HERE to watch it now.


Like what you see? Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll be the first to know when we release new Webkinz Room Design videos!


Thanks to everyone who sent me a screenshot of their room… keep them coming!


Want to send us screenshots of some of your favorite rooms? E-mail them to me at Who knows, we might talk about them in our next video!


36 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. alsameja says:

    Thank you for showing my Adventure Park and for all the nice comments (I am Joi :D) What a fantastic collection of rooms, they are all amazing! Congrats to all the designers!

  2. AmericanCivilWar1861 says:

    Yay they featured my police station!!!! :D Oh and I absolutely loved everyone else’s rooms too!!! They’re so awesome. :D

  3. Nattie says:

    All fantastic rooms showcased today! Great job friends!

  4. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    These are really cool! The police station and the Tex Mex restaurant are my favorite, they are really well put together

  5. FennecFox says:

    Awesome rooms! I really like the Police Station. :P

  6. kbk100 says:

    Wow! These are all wonderful! Congratulations to all who were featured, you are all very talented! :)

  7. TreeHuggerJess says:

    Great rooms! Congrats to everyone who was featured!

  8. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Awesome! I really liked the Adventure Park room. That one was really creative, but so were a all of them! I tried to send you some rooms, Michael, but it said my pictures were too large.. =/ I have a really nice room to send you, but I don’t know how if it says the pic is too big.

    • kbk100 says:

      Hey there, _emiemiemiemiemi_! When you want to take a picture of your room try zooming the room out and then press the buttons, command, shift, and 4. Your mouse on the screen will change. Drag it from where you want the picture to start and stop and then once you release your finger it will take the screen shot and then it will appear on your desktop. Also, try just to get your room in the picture…it will help make the photo smaller. That’s how it works for Mac! However, for a different kind of computer i’m not exactly sure how it works but I know it’s similar, so just google how to take a screen shot on “blank” kind of computer. It should be pretty easy to find! I’ve always taken screen shots and they have never been too large. However, I have downloaded photos and they were too large, so I had to screen shot them. I hope this helps you some! :)

    • FennecFox says:

      Yeah, these rooms are awesome! And awh, emi, that’s too bad. I bet your rooms are super cool! Maybe you can shrink them? What I do is I screenshot my room, put it into microsoft word, and crop/shrink it there. Then I send it to Michael… maybe that would work? :P

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      I think whoever made the Adventure Park Room stole my idea. XD It’s okay though. I just sent in that room today so when I read your comment my hopes were up. Their room is awesome, though! All of them are fantastic! =^^=

    • alsameja says:

      Thank you! It was such a fun room to create because I love the AP, it’s my favorite place in WW. :)

  9. RosyFox says:

    Wow, all of these are so amazing! Your Police Station is awesome, AmericanCivilWar1861! I also love the Adventure Park and Tex Mex Restaurant rooms, too! I can’t even choose a favorite, so, all of these are my favorite! :D You guys are so talented, and your rooms definitely deserve the recognition. All I have to say is; Bravo!!!!

  10. 50ishwebbies says:

    ahhhh super choices to feature Michael; these rooms are really creatively put together! Congratulations to all the friends featured today, and thank you for sharing your talents and hard work!!! Just love them all!

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