Movie Showcase – Adopting Tempe the Candy Googles!

RedVelvetD0nut has completed their Googles collection with the iconic Candy Googles!




Do you have an adoption video? Reply in the comments below, or make your own KinzTube video and send a link to! Subscribe to our Webkinz YouTube Channel:


30 Responses to Movie Showcase – Adopting Tempe the Candy Googles!

  1. Clarinet123000 says:

    I have a candy googles! Her name is Rainbow!

  2. frozenelsa5 says:

    CONGRATS On your new pet!

  3. wormpocket says:

    I love my candy googles:)

  4. unikitty11_ says:

    Congratulations, RedVelvetDOnut! That pet is so cute! Congrats on adopting the Candy Googles. Also, I loved your room design! Everything you put with that theme looked so good together. Such a great combination!!

  5. KSC says:

    Thank you for sharing this video, RedVelvetDOnut! I love the room you designed for Tempe.

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    Old school, classic Webkinz plush. *sigh* :,-) Thank you RedVelvetDOnut! I am happy for you that you were able to complete your googles collection, and that you were able to bless the WKN community with this wonderful walk down memory lane. Are you allowed to share where you managed to find this rare treasure? Again, thanks for making this nostalgic video, and congrats on being featured!!

    • jadyo4 says:

      Ah, you’re welcome! I’m so glad it was so nostalgic for you! Yeah, the Candy googles can be found on Amazon! And thank you! It was very kind of Webkinz to feature my video. :D

  7. nanamama12 says:

    It was so fun to see a new video!

  8. megamom12 says:

    I LOVE the bathroom corner, and I think that the Stripes Theme works really well with the PSI.

  9. Ruby09 says:

    aw this was so cute

  10. sosotto says:

    Hey Sally Webkinz!! I have a question, so to be able to do these videos it had to be through YouTube?

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