Movie Showcase: How to Make a Duct Tape Webkinz Collar


YouTuber Kinzo Flash has a great tutorial on how to make a duct tape collar for your Webkinz using scissors and tape!



Do you love making Webkinz DIY accessories? Share your secrets with us in the comments!


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45 Responses to Movie Showcase: How to Make a Duct Tape Webkinz Collar

  1. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    I’ve made a duct tape collar for my webkinz before too. =] Although, I found that I like fabric and yarn better, so I crocheted collars for all of my Signature webkinz and favorite animal plushes. =]

  2. bob2343 says:

    Can some one who is a deluxe member send me the denim dress in the summer clothing line? My user is ahorsekelley. Thanks!

  3. Michaela2007 says:

    Cute idea! You could further embellish the collars with rhinestones, buttons or even stickers!

  4. SignatureIsland says:

    Gennelle, my Signature Cougar’s PSI wallpaper is kinda of floating…. the area where the wall meets the floor is where it’s floating… and, the the tiger couch, (red version) the one part of the jungle theme, well, you can only see half of it. Please help!

  5. naamster says:

    Quick Question! Where is today’s (Jul 25th) give-a-way? I would really like to have that road trip car! I haven’t seen it floating, and it’s not on the events page either. I’m wondering if it’s not up yet or if it will be given away tomorrow.

  6. griffoned says:

    Very cute but Webkinz has stated many times that your Webkinz won’t run away.

  7. renfroekid2201 says:

    Cool I Make Webkinz Collar’s Out Of Hair accessories :)

  8. 90skidzrule says:

    What a great idea! I never would have thought to do that with duct tape! When I get some fancy duct tape I’m going to try it:)

  9. bertnelson says:

    Cute video! My favorite duct tape that I own has Halloween candy corn printed all over it. <

    • CaramelKisses33 says:

      Sounds like a cute print! My favorite is a light purple print with butterflies on it. (: *~mintz33~*

    • WebkinzLover2015 says:

      I love duck tape, I used some for the last Halloween too, but mine has witches on it.. It’s so cool and colorful!! Oh ,and nice video Kinzo Flash, very very very creative… :}:):D

  10. MandevillaRed says:

    Duck tape!! Quack! XD Did you know duck/duct tape was originally called duck tape? It was invented by the army, and they called it duck tape because it kept the rain out like a duck’s feathers do for the duck. Later, people started using it to insulate their air DUCTS, and most people spell it that way. But not me!! I’m DUCK tape all the way!! XD Have a great day!

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