Movie Showcase – Leap Year

Wondering how leap years work? Kinztuber CrazyCat has you covered… sorta.




What would you put in a Webkinz World commercial? Reply in the comments below, or make your own KinzTube video and send it to!

68 Responses to Movie Showcase – Leap Year

  1. ilovestarwars says:

    I actullay know someone who was born on leap day! My parents say he is like 80 years old, since he has only had a birthday every 4 years he says he’s around 20 years old XD

  2. Commakinz says:

    My brother was born two days before leapday! Mathematical Fun fact! Leap day happens every four years but you skip leap day on years ending with ’00′ that aren’t divisible by 400. So 2000 was a leap year while 1900 and 1800 are not, because 2000 is divisible by 400. This is because it doesn’t take exactly 365.25 days to orbit the sun, it is somewhere near 365.242 days. Leap Year is rather fascinating to me :D

    • xmy9tailxkinz says:

      I kept on thinking about a Frog Leaping when I heard “Leap Day” ~Typical Tails

      • katherinemacey says:

        AAhhh i already watched this one when it came out. Which was 2-4 days ago… i think… XD. My fav kinztubers are sassycat143, CrazyCat (she changed her username from crazycat743 to CrazyCat), and GoldenFlowerKinz :3

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Oh my gosh, goldenflowerkinz videos are AWESOME!!! :D I especially love her series Webkinz Outsider!! Speaking of which, has anyone else here watched that series? It’s really good! I don’t go on YouTube often at all, but that series is one I’d definitely go on there to watch!! :D

          • lavadragon says:

            Aye, so mathematical Commakinz. I honestly have no clue how you even figured that up. Ehe, I really don’t have a favorite Kinztuber. Yeah, Crazycat is pretty cool, and so is Goldenwolf248. But all of them are pretty unique c: I really don’t watch too many Kinztubers now, It just makes me want an account even more than I already do ;-; Before I want a Kinztube account though, I’d want to get a new camera. But yeah, Kinztube is pretty cool. Not to be rude or anything, but I’m just a little tired of the constant popularity of only a selected bunch. Every Kinztuber should deserve some subscribers, and maybe should be featured every once in a while, not only the most popular of them all. But, anyways, great video Crazycat c:

          • katherinemacey says:

            OMG I LOVE THAT SERIES TO!!! I wonder when I think it’s episode 14 will come out. I’m sooo excited!! :D finally I met someone who likes something I like!! Well.. Online at least :3 :P cause I have tons of friends irl XD

          • NMKID4527 says:

            I’ve watched some of Webkinz Outsider before! I should probably get back to watching that series. :P

          • katherinemacey says:


          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Cool! *virtual high five* My friend told me to watch that series last month, and right after episode 1, I was hooked! :D And cool, NMKID! I watched all of the episodes last month, but I might go watch them again sometime :) And really KatherineMacey?! Oh my goodness, I better head to YouTube NOW!!!! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Omg, I just watched episode 14 and it was AWESOME!!! So much was revealed! Wow! Now I’m so excited for the next episode to come out! I hope it’s not long *fingers crossed*

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Yeah, I agree, lavadragon. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of great famous kinz tubers out there and they deserve recognition, I can’t deny them that, some of their videos are truly great, but I don’t like it when just a select few are talked about and no one else. But that’s just my two cents.

          • whataawsomekitty says:

            episode 14 is out!!!!!!

        • xmy9tailxkinz says:

          I don’t really like a lot of CrazyCat’s videos (but, that is my opinion) I guess I never really watched her video since Crazy’s and Sassy’s fight…

          • katherinemacey says:

            What fight? I don’t remember them getting into a fight… Plz explain XD

          • LUV says:

            NoNot to be rude, LavaDragon, but usually, the ones who have the most subscribers and are featured more often, they’re usually the ones with the best videos. Why would they feature vids that aren’t REALLY good? Sorry, am I being rude? I’m REALLY not tyring to be, I just felt I needed to point that out. But I do think everyone deserves a good amount of subscribers! -LuvILuvILuv

          • ChristianCowgirl123 says:


          • LUV says:

            Is it odd that even though the fight, Crazy and Sassy are my fave KinzTubers? I can’t help it, their videos are GREAT! -LuvILuvILuv

        • xmy9tailxkinz says:

          “What would you put in a Webkinz World commercial?” Hmmm… All my pets dancing! xD

          • lavadragon says:

            Nah, your not being rude LUV, that’s just your opinion. My opinion still stands though. Maybe the popular Kinztubers do have some better videos, but why not give the “little guys” a chance? I still strongly think that not-so-popular tubers should DEFINETLY be featured. Just because they aren’t well known or don’t have the rarest most expensive Webkinz doesn’t mean they are nobody’s :l I find that the fame that most popular Kinztubers have really goes to their heads. A few of them (once again my opinion here) are kinda stuck up. It honestly does annoy me something terrible. Sorry if I sound rude or inconsiderate c:

        • LUV says:

          My fave KinzTuber is DEFINITELY Sassycat143, I’ve seen ALL of her vids, and they ROCK!!! -LuvILuvILuv

      • ChristianCowgirl123 says:

        AWWW tails. I thought of a lil’ bunny hopping around

    • NMKID4527 says:

      That’s a good point, Commakinz! I never knew that! You learn something new everyday! I have a friend whose birthday is two days before leap day too! xD

  3. Pokekinz says:

    Heheh. CrazyCat. Good one…. I remember my dad used to joke about being born on leap day (and by “used to” I mean he still does it whenever the subject comes up). Meh, I wanna KinzTube… (; >_<)

  4. SignatureIsland says:

    OMG! That is hilarious! Leap day! Leap day! Leap day! LEAP day! I don’t understand how you’re supposed to be leaping all day… LET MEH CHANGE MY BIRTHDAY! LOL!

  5. doingmydailies says:

    Hahaha. That’s funny. “Leap Day! Leap Day! Leap Day!” XD Awesome and super funny video CrazyCat. :)

  6. PusheenCat77 says:

    Ha! This was so funny! I don’t think Star really understood how birthdays work; she seemed really eager to change to birthdate! At least, I think her name was Star. . . . . I don’t watch webkinz videos that often.

  7. FennecFox says:

    That was really kewl! :D haha.. it was so funny.

    • RosyFox says:

      Yes, this was a really funny, cute video! I like to watch some of CrazyCat’s webkinz videos. I have the signature calico cat that was featured in this (Star)! My favorite signature pet that I have is my signature arctic fox, Tallulah. Her fur is so soft and she is adorable! :)

  8. FennecFox says:

    Im gonna have to watch this… looks funny! XD

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Great video! Congrats on being featured, CrazyCat!!

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      And aw man, CrazyCat is soooo lucky to have all those rare signatures! I wish I had some of those *sigh* :(

      • FennecFox says:

        Yeah! I wish i had more siggies. :P

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Yeah, same :( Well, in all fairness, I do have somewhere around 10 or 15 signatures, but I only own 1 expensive one, and it wasn’t technically my signature until a few weeks ago; it was my aunt’s before that. Still, I’m grateful to have my signatures. Just wish I owned some of them rare ones. Like the signature calico cat. It’s actually kind of ironic that I use it as my avatar on here considering I don’t own one in my Webkinz collection… Heheh….

      • RosyFox says:

        She does have some really cool signatures that are now super rare (and expensive). I have some of the same ones, though, because I got them when they were still fairly newly released.

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          You are lucky! I didn’t start collecting signatures until… Well…. Most of the rare ones that I really wanted became expensive :/ I probably started collecting them around… I think…. 2013..:/ Hehe… Well… I probably shouldn’t be complaining, though. I have a lot of other webbies that make up for the one or two rare sigs I really want :)

          • ilovemoonie says:

            aw, thats ok TaffyKitty, I don’t really have any rare signatures either. ok, so I have the signature siberian husky, that one is pretty rare, but now that I think about it….its really the only rare signature, and maybe even rare webkinz, I have. I have the webkinz scottish terrier and winter fawn, not sure if you would call those rare or not. I got the signature siberian husky at my local webkinz store,(which is now closed :’( ) for like $30 before it got rare. he was my 2nd signature. though I got one signature as far back as 2011, I really didn’t start collecting signatures a lot until last year. last year,(and this year so far) I got 7 of my 12 signatures that I have. :)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            You have the signature Siberian husky? Wow, that’s so cool! Well, even if it’s the only rare signature you own, it’s better than having no rare signatures. Oh, and cool! I think the Scottish terrier is rare. I think. I actually own one myself but he uh, doesn’t have a name quite yet. Oh, and nice! Hehe.. Same thing with me. I got my first signature in 2010… And that was it until I adopted my second one in 2013. I got most of my signatures in 2013 and 2014. I got a few last year and only two so far this year. Oh, and yeah, I know how that feels :( there used to be a hallmark by me and they sold Webkinz (in fact, that hallmark was where I bought my first Webkinz) but sadly, it closed some years ago :(

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Thanks. :) I named my husky James. And yeah, I think the scottish terrier is rare. Did you just recently get yours? Or have you just never thought of a good name for it? I do that sometimes. my rhino, for example, I got him last June, but didn’t name him till the end of February. :) and yeah, that’s kinda how it was with me. I got my first signature at the end of 2011, then I got a few more scattered throughout 2012 and 2013, and then….none in 2014. 2014 was, as far as I’m concerned, the year I got least webkinz. I guess I kinda lost interest in webkinz that year. I only got 4 webkinz that year, for Christmas, and I didn’t go on webkinz much either. In 2015 however, I got more webkinz then in any other year, and I started going on webkinz more. Now I go on webkinz and webkinz newz everyday if I can! :D And I’m sorry you’re hallmark closed. I know what that’s like. :( I got most of my earlier webkinz at our local webkinz store, and I was so sad when it closed. Luckily, I discovered Amazon, and I really love it, but it’s still not the same as buying a webkinz in person. :(

          • ilovemoonie says:

            By the way, sorry for that loong comment. I didn’t realize how long it was until I submitted it. Yeah….I’m pretty bad at making things short. :/

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            It’s ok, ilovemoonie! Trust me, a lot of my comments are even longer than that. Oh, and by the way, James is a cute name! I really wish I had a sig husky, but they’re $300 online :,( oh well…. Nothing I can do about that. Oh, and as for the Scottish terrier, I think I got him in 2014. I’ve been trying to come up with a name for him. And wow, same thing happened to me! Well, OK, 2014 wasn’t the year I didn’t play Webkinz, actually, it’s the contrary; 2014 was the year that I got the most webkinz! Here’s what happened to me: I started Webkinz on June 12, 2007. I was playing for a few years, but around the years 2011 and 2012… I slowed down playing. In 2011, I still played, but rarely adopted pets. And 2012 was the worst of all. I almost quit. I played on Webkinz very rarely, and only adopted a few pets overall. I was thinking about handing my account over to my little brother, but one day, in the February of 2013, I watched him play on my account, and I realized how much I missed playing. To make a long story short, I nearly doubled my Webkinz count that year. I had almost 80 at the beginning of the year, and it jumped to almost 120! And in 2014, my total went up to almost 200! (And better yet, 2014 was the year I joined WKN :)) And now, I have almost 260 pets, no joke! It’s a lot, and I’m very thankful :) And yeah, I do a lotta my Webkinz shopping on Amazon nowadays, too. A few stores by me still sell Webkinz, but most of the ones they have are ones I already own :/

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Thanks! its pretty funny actually, how he got that name. I named him after a singer, but now, I don’t even like that singer anymore, lol. but I still love the name James. :) anyways, yeah, the signature siberian husky is really expensive now. one signature I really want is the red wolf, but its like $150 on amazon. :( oh well, like you said, theres nothing you can do about it. and thats cool. I got my scottish terrier a little less than a month ago, and I named him Percy. and i’m glad you didn’t quit webkinz! it wouldn’t be the same without you. I don’t think I ever considered quitting webkinz, but if I think back to 2014, I can see myself quitting. if I think about now though, I could never see myself quitting webkinz! I like webkinz now more than I ever have before! I don’t know what got me back into it….10 years of webkinz and webkinz X probably helped, as well as discovering all the webkinz on Amazon, but most of all, I think getting a Ganzworld account last spring/summer really got me back into webkinz. :) and wow, 260 webkinz is a lot! congratulations on having so much! I actually have 99, and i’m planning on getting my 100th for Easter. oh, and I forgot to mention this earlier, but I first started webkinz in 2007 too! it was in october I think…..yet I remember it like yesterday. :)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Heheh… That’s kinda funny, but hey, James is still a super cute name! :D I’ve been thinking of maybe naming one of my pets ‘James’ but um, I haven’t found a pet to name that yet. And yeah, the sig husky, well, in reality, so many many signatures are expensive :( And heh, funny you mention the sig red wolf. I actually own that one. Her name is Dakota :) I didn’t know the red wolf was so expensive! Well, it was expensive when I bought it (I got her three years ago and she was $42. Ever since then, my parents aren’t keen on me buying Webkinz that are over $20) but not nearly that expensive! That stinks :/ I hope the proce goes down or you end up finding one and it’s cheaper one day! Oh, and cute! Percy is a cool name! :D And aww, thanks! :) Webkinz wouldn’t be the same without you, too! When I look back, I can’t believe I almost quit! Webkinz has brought me so much happiness over the years, wow, I dunno what I was thinking! Well, good news is, I’m not planning on quitting any time soon. I actually don’t think I’ll ever quit! Despite what anyone says, you can never be too old for Webkinz :) oh, and thanks! And congrats on having 99 Webkinz!!! :D Oh, and cool! We both started in the same year :) and yeah, even though that day happened so many years ago, I remember most of it like it just happened the other day :)

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Thanks! yeah, I’m like that too. I have so many things I want to name a pet, but it dosen’t always fit the pet. And yeah, lots of signatures are SO expensive! :( I always think that the best and cutest signatures are most expensive, but then I look at my signatures, (most of which you can get for pretty cheap!) and I realize that though some signatures, in my opinion, may be cuter than others, they all have an outstanding quality and realistic look that really separates them from all other stuffed animals. And I’m thankful for every one that I have! And thanks! I hope you can find a signature Siberian husky for cheaper someday! And Dakota is a great name! And thanks! (Again) you really do make webkinz even more enjoyable for me! And that’s good to know that you won’t be quitting webkinz anytime soon. I won’t either! I can’t guarentee that I’ll never quit, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve still got plenty of happy webkinz years to come! :D and thanks! (Haha, guess I have a lot to thank you for!) I can’t wait till I get one hundred webkinz! And yeah, that is cool how we both started the same year! My first webkinz was a hippo. I named her blue. :)

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Oh, and I forgot to mention this in my comment, but I agree! You can never be to old for webkinz! Never. ;)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Hehe yeah, same here. It takes me forever sometimes to come up with a name for a pet :/ And yeah, it’s unfortunate. Some of my favorite signatures are so expensive, I don’t know how I’d ever get one! But you’re right, ilovemoonie. There a lot of signatures I want, but at the end of the day, I’m thankful for each signature (and each Webkinz) I have :) And aw, thanks! I’d love to find a sig husky one day! And hehe, thanks again! I’m glad you like the name Dakota :) And aw, thank you so much, ilovemoonie! You make Webkinz Newz a great place as well! It wouldn’t be the same without you! :) No matter how good or bad my day is going, you always help to make it better! And hehe, yeah, I’m glad you don’t have any plans for quitting Webkinz any time soon. I don’t know what the future will hold, or how busy I’ll get with schoolwork and stuff, so I can’t say for sure that I’ll never quit (although I personally hope I never have to quit) but as of now, I can definitely say I won’t be quitting any time soon! :) And cool! My first Webkinz was a lil kinz yorkie named Summer :) Well, she’s my first adopted Webkinz. My first set of Webkinz included her, along with Crystal (my lil kinz gray and white cat), and Michael (my lil kinz pug) :) And cool! I’m glad you agree! So many people I know have quit Webkinz because they thought they were “too old” for it, but to be quite honest, you can never be too old for webkinz no matter what anyone tells you :)

  10. DerpyDino says:

    lol “I NEED TO GO CHANGE MY BIRTHDAY!” I was laughing so hard on that part!

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