If you have fans of Webkinz Signature pets on your shopping list, KinzTuber TheKinzcats has some great suggestions!
Thanks for sharing, TheKinzcats!
If you have fans of Webkinz Signature pets on your shopping list, KinzTuber TheKinzcats has some great suggestions!
Thanks for sharing, TheKinzcats!
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cool video! but the prices have changed. the sig. snow leopard is now $19.99 the sig. small fox is $24.99 and the sig. ocelot is $35.00. i love these videos because the webkinz in them always look so much better than in pictures! i thought the yellow labs face looked kinda ugly in the picture on amazon but in the video it looked ADORABLE! i guess pictures just can’t capture all the cuteness. i don’t have any of these but the sig. snow leopard is the first thing on my christmas list. i have 7 signatures. lucky, the deer, james, the siberian husky, lightning, the cougar, Mr. cuddles, the west highland terrier, brutus, the brown bear, Bella, the woodland raccoon, and Soren, the barn owl. i love them all so much! i really wish they would bring back signatures cause they are awesome.
Yessss the Siggies, the best line § has ever come out with! Ah gee, what I would give to have the Arctic Fox, or the German Shepherd. My gosh, the prices on some of these lil’ guys. Gee. A Signature Dragon would have been just, woah. Maybe a Lava Dragon? :o Heh, my rarest is the Signature Golden Retriever, I named Todi. My favorite, my sarcastic little buddy Woods. Same here with the Snow Leopard, ilovemoonie, I also asked for the Signature Clouded Leopard, but of course suddenly the prices went up from around $40, to $100. Talk about pricey! I would’ve named him Cirrus. *Sigh.* Well, maybe I’ll try to save up for one… Gosh, I have noticed the Signature Felines are pretty pricey, the Jaguar is around $85, the Lynx, around the same, and the Cheetah, (One of my favs ♥) around $90 somethin’. The Signature Portuguese Water Dog has a good price too. I would name one Pascal :D And his nickname? Why Crab of course.
I agree! I love the rockerz pets (especially the papillon and fox), but I have to admit, the signatures are still my favorite webkinz line. I just wish they were less expensive! I really want a timber wolf, but it’s one of the most expensive webkinz out there. Also, I have noticed how pricy some of the signature cats are. It’s a shame because I love cats and I’ve always wanted that sig jaguar, but it really went up in price! It used to be, I think $50 and now, I think, it’s almost $100. I love signatures, but that’s way too expensive for any webkinz in my opinion. And the dogs are even worse! The sig husky, Australian Shepard, the German Shepard, and of course the timber wolf, are way over $100! Err.. that doesn’t make me very happy because I really want those webbies, but hey, I’m at least grateful I own a lot of other webkinz, including some of my super cute signatures! ;)
Moldy guacamole… The Ocelot really shot up in price. (☉.☉) I’m glad I bought it for myself for Christmas before then. XD I really want some of those rare Signatures… I even have some names picked out, if I ever get them (and I actually want two Signature German Shepherds, because I’m just that greedy).
Oh yeah! A signature dragon would have been really cool.. So cool that you have a Sig golden retriever though! I wish I did! Hehe, Pascal is a super cute name for that dog! =D I may get a Signature Ocelot this Christmas (oh I do hope!) maybe I should start thinking of names… Then again, I will need something to do after Christmas. I always get bored after Christmas because it’s over. Anywayyy… I do agree that the Signatures were definitely the best line of Webkinz ever.
Oh, I learned this trick from others :) You just hold on your ALT Key, and click 21 at the same time, and then you should have the § symbol! Why, yes his nickname would be Crab, of course. (I thought of a funny backstory on how he would be afraid of crabs. XD) Thanks ya _emiemiemiemiemi_! ☺ Yessss, oh, a black colored dragon would have been just, the best, maybe with blue eyes or some green? Or even a deep purple dragon, with little white speckles, or somethin’ like a starry night dragon? Ohh, a Golden Dragon. Or even, a Chimera! Or a Hydra! Ah, gee I am getting a bit into Greek Mythology huh? I suppose some of those ideas would be a bit scary. o,o I am usually just psyched I am off for break, even If I do get a bit bored, I think hey, at least I am not in school! Argh, the day when I have to go back to school after the 12 day vacation, man. That’s just the Worst.
Not really “of course”. Also, how do you do that thing to GANZ?
You crack me up, lavadragon! XD This video is actually the one that inspired me to get the Signature Snow Leopard because I had no idea it was so cheap!
I am glad I make someone laugh! (ɔ’︠ᴥ’︡)ɔ♥ Heh, yeah NMKID4527! I would have figured that it would have been at least around $80!
I want a lot of signatures, but a lot of them are so expensive that I want! But I do have a few of the cheaper ones on my Christmas list! (: I already have 3 signatures: the Emperor Penguin, the Small Black Bear, and the African Wild Dog (:
You’re right, Ganz should bring back the signature line, my favorite signature (which I don’t have), is the one that was the number one Webkinz.
i think the Signature persian cat should be on this list. i found it for 12 dollars at hobby lobby
Can you buy it at other stores, or for less money?
maybe, kittymade10! i found a signature black bear (with a code!!!!) for five dollars at Five and Below (a cool store)! i was SOOO excited.
How?? THAT’S AMAZING! I thought you were going to say Marshall’s but Five Below????? WOW!!!!! That means I should probably keep my brother out of there, just in case… I’m giving him a Signature for Christmas, and I don’t want him to see any, because then he’d buy one, and that kimda would ruin it…… XD Have a great day!!
Not recently, though, right? Because, as far as I know, they don’t sell Siggies anymore.
I found a signature brown bear at a Tuesday Morning store for 7.99 once.
Same with me 9dogmolly! Maybe we went to the same store!
Wow. You should also look at the price on Amazon for the regular Arctic Fox. It’s like $50.00! Holy cheezits!
So cute! Love the signatures! I have a few on my Christmas list (: Also, this is off topic, but 2002ganz, I am terribly sorry I couldn’t make your party yesterday! I was kept trying to go on, but it kept logging me off. I ended up switching browsers and it didn’t log me off, but when I clicked on your party it only loaded until “folding clothes” and then froze. I tried for the duration of the party to get on, but it wouldn’t work D: And Picia, I also got a party invite from you, but it didn’t work D: I’m sorry!
Yes, me too, 2002ganz! I had hurt my finger really bad, it was sprained.
Hopefully your finger feels better!
Thanks, winterwarriorwolf! I was playing football with my brothers and i smashed my finger real hard catching a pass. :o It feels a bit better!
Oh I don’t mind at all!!!! Only Picia showed up, but we still had an awesome time! Thank you for caring, though! Most people would say, “Well, I missed it. Too bad.” Thanks for being awesome friends anyway! And sorry bout your finger, Fennec! :(
Thanks for being so understanding, 2002ganz! I was trying so hard to get to your party, and then my finger got busted! :P
Yikes! That’s not good!
Ouch! That sounds like it hurt A LOT!! I’ve had a sprained ankle, and it was no fun at all! Get better soon!!
Aw, I’m really sorry to hear about your finger, Fennec! :( Hope it feels better really soon! :)
I hope your finger feels better, too, FennecFox.
Thanks, guys!
Yes, I too hope your finger gets better super quickly FennecFox!!! Also, I have so much trouble going to parties. I have gotten invited to some parties and I’ve accepted the invites and then Webkinz has crashed when it’s time for the party. One time, the host didn’t even show up!!!
Hope your finger feels better!!
2002ganz; I’m glad someone showed up! I was so sad I missed it!
I know Webkinz has the cute little vampire bat, but how about a signature fruit bat, like Stellaluna from the picture book? Her psf could be some sort of amazing fruit bowl or something, and her psi could be a tree bed that she could hang UPSIDE-DOWN from!! I would snap that up in a minute, if I could afford it! username~kalcan8
That’s an awesome idea!
AWESOME, Beckinz8! :D
Yeah, I remember I once suggested a Signature Brown Bat (although, if I got one, mine would probably be a guy). I think it would be a Signature Small, though. Cuz bats aren’t very big. But alas, Signatures have been discontinued. ( ◞_◟)
Ooo, yes!!! They should totally make a Fruit Bat, Signature or not!! Stellaluna was my favorite book when I was little!! :)
I have the Signature Yellow Lab, and I’m getting the Signature Ocelot. Some other affordable Signatures would be: The Webkinz Signature Siamese Cat, the Webkinz Signature Marble Cat, Webkinz Signature Endangered Cougar, Webkinz Signature Endangered Black African Rhinoceros (that’s a mouthful), Webkinz Signature Arctic Hare, Webkinz Signature Chow Chow, and the Webkinz Signature Siberian Husky (nah, I’m just kidding about that last one :P).
Yeah, Pokekinz! LOL i wish the sig. Siberian Husky was affordable! :) I want the sig. Chow-chow so bad! I have two signature smalls: A sig. Black bear named Licorice, and a sig. Grey tabby cat named Misty. :)
Lessee.. I have a Signature Dutch Bunny named Alice (though she didn’t come with a code), a Signature Barn Owl named Ophelia, a Signature West Highland Terrier named Winston, a Signature African Wild Dog named Orion, a Signature Yellow Lab named Missie, a Signature Arctic Hare named Whitney, a Signature Siamese Cat named Tamira, and a Signature Marble Cat named Harper. I’m also getting two Signatures for Christmas; a Signature Hippopotamus (for whom I haven’t a name yet), and a Signature Ocelot (whom I am planning to name Piper).
too cool!
Heheh, thanks. XD
I might get an Ocelot this Christmas too! Lol, that’s pretty cool, same thing… I really like the name Piper, but I won’t use it.. just in case I ever see you with your little Piper in the park. ;]
Tank you for not using the name “Piper”. XD Well, if you do get a Signature Ocelot, you can ask for names in the Forums. And I do have a few name suggestions, if you’d want them. :D
These are all of the Signature Webkinz that I own (in no specific order). The Signature Calico Cat, the Signature German Shepherd, the Signature Cheetah, the Signature Small Golden Retriever, the Signature Hippopotamus, the Signature Harp Seal, the Signature Deer, the Signature Chow Chow, the Signature Red Panda, the Signature Red Fox, and the Signature Arctic Fox (my FAVORITE!). I’m asking for the Signature Snow Leopard for Christmas!
You have the signature calico cat, artic fox, cheetah, and German Shepard?!?! Omg, you are sooooooooo lucky!!!! The only expensive signature I have is the red wolf and it took me forever to save up all of my money for it. You’re so lucky to own those rare signatures!
Same with asking for the Snow Leopard RosyFox! The rarest I have are the Bernese Mountain Dog, Calico Cat, And Golden Retriever. Ohmygosssssh, I want the German Shepherd so badly, and the Arctic Fox, and Australian Shepherd. Arggggh SO PRICEY THOUGH! I am asking for the Chow Chow for Christmas too, heh, look at ‘dat face.♥ My buddy actually has the Signature Pomeranian, she doesn’t got on Webkinz, but just kept it from a while ago. Those Pomeranian’s though, I call them lil’ lions. :D
I only have one signature which would be a signature small chipmunk named Gittie. I have to virtual signatures which are a signature endangered Asian elephant named Samirah and signature barn owl which I have not put the code in for yet.
I mean I only have one Plush signature which would be my small signature chipmunk plush named Gittie.
I mean “two” not “to.”
Wow!! That’s a lot of Signatures!!! I have the Signature Marble Cat, the Small Signature Chipmunk, the Small Signature Persian Cat, the Signature Portuguese Water Dog, and the Signature Bull Terrier (my absolute favorite, but don’t tell the others that). :)
oh WOW RosyFox! You have a great collection of signature pets. :D
Thank you, Fennec! You guys are all so nice! The reason I have a pretty large collection of siggies is because I started playing on Webkinz back in 2007 when I was six. It’s also because I LOOOOOOOOOVE signatures! :D
Wow, you’ve been playing for as long as I have! I also started in 2007. Such a coincidence! I love signatures, but the reason why I don’t have any really rare ones is cause, well, as much as I don’t like saying this, there was actually a year where I didn’t play webkinz because all of the other kids at my school convinced me I was “too old” for it. And of course, guess what year I didn’t play webkinz……. one of the years where signatures were on the rage. Since at that time I was in and out of Webkinz and only checking up on it at the occasion, I didnt buy many webkinz; only a few to keep my account going. I almost swear I saw a timber wolf at one of the stores I went to, but I chose a gobbler turkey (which I eventually have to my little cousin) because I thought the $25 wolf was too expensive. Man, I could just kick myself! If that was a timber wolf that I saw that day, well, let’s just say it won’t be pretty. I’ve wanted one ever since I got back into Webkinz in 2013. (Thank goodness I switched to homeschooling the year before or else I might’ve quit WebKinz for good) Eventually I found a sig Bengal cat in my non of webkinz and named her Molly (she was my first signature). Ever since then, I love signatures abd I hope to collect a lot of them! ;) Oh, and by the way, congrats on your awesome sig collection!
Sorry about all of the errors. My iPod autocorrects almost everything I say. I meant “gave to my little cousin”, “my bin of webkinz”, “I love signatures and I hope to collect a lot of them”. Sorry
I watched this last week! The only Signatures I have are the Beagle, the White Persian Cat, and the Marble Cat.
Well, shuggylay, you have more Signatures then me! i have a signature Black bear named Licorice, and a signature Grey tabby cat named Misty. :)
Well, FennecFox, you have more signatures than me! I own ZERO. :) But I did just buy the virtual Blue Avenue Pomeranian!!!! SO adorable! <3
hey, 2002ganz! Lucky to have that Blue Avenue Pomeranian! What’s it’s name? :D
My signatures include the smaller black bear, the emperor penguin and the smaller german shepherd! Thank you for the party 2002ganz! It was fun! I tried to have one after but it wouldn’t workxD also, at the party was my sig german shepherd haha(it’s my fav!)
Oh and also, I loved your room!
My Blue Avenue Pomeranian’s name is Fuzzles! When I adopted her, I was so in love and so that name just poured out of my heart! :) Little Fuzzles… AHHH SO CUTE! And thank you for coming to my party, Picia! I didn’t know til afterwards it was you! :)
OH, 2002ganz! Fuzzles, so cute! I love it. Again, so sorry I couldn’t make it to your party. :o
Congrats on your adoption of Fuzzles! That’s an adorable name! I have a Blue Avenue Kitten named Bianca! :)
Haha ya when I got to your party I was like wait…am I the only one here? Is that 2002ganz ooorrr? Cause it didn’t say xD
Can I friend you 200ganz, I’m kittymade10
By the way, is anyone else having trouble entering the new name me contest? I keep trying to get to the page, but every time I click on it, it says “page not found”.
Never mind. It’s working now.
Awesome! I own the sig snow leopard and ocelot. I really want the fox, seal, and the dog. The good thing is they aren’t too expensive, so maybe I could buy them one day! Oh, and I like how they add the price on Amazon next to each WebKinz in the video. Amazon is pretty much where I buy all my WebKinz, so it’s good they used the prices on there.
Oooohhhhhh my goodness that fox is adorablllleeee
I know, right? It’s sooo cute! I own a fennec fox named Pikachu but I don’t remember where I put him. Oh, and that sig fox is awesome! I really really really really really REALLY want one!!!!
Yessssssss I have a Sig Fox and she’s sooooooooooo cute! <3
Lucky! I wish I had one!
OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO AWESOME! :D I hope you can find him again. I love the Webkinz Fennec Fox. I have a Signature Fox named Kate! I would like to get another and name it Chase, though… but I’m trying to collect different Signatures so I won’t get another in a while.
Totally! ADORABLE!!! :D *Fox dance*
TaffyKitty12, i went to Five Below, and got a signature black bear for only five dollars! It was great ;D Wow you’ve got some great signature pets!
That’s awesome! Five below is a great store! I haven’t been there for a while, so I don’t know if the one by me sells any signatures, but hopefully they’ll have some next time I go!! Oh, and thanks! I own quite a few signatures. I think I have maybe 15 in all, maybe even more (unfortunately I don’t own any of the really rare ones, unless the red wolf counts, but I still love all of my signatures!)
Yeah Five Below is awesome!!! Fennec, do you own a Fennec Fox??? If you don’t, you should really look into getting one… It would totally match you! XD
Yeah, TaffyKitty12! OH, 2002ganz, I NEED A FENNEC FOX! I made a FAIR deal with my little sister and she PROMISED to get me a fennec fox! She keeps saying “I have it picked out.” BUT I STILL DONT HAVE IT! i need it… :P
Haha! *Laughing!*
Hehe, I get mine of Ebay :D I showed my dad ebay and now he has a bunch of old license plates pretty much covering a couple of walls in our barn. Ah, you can find some pretty good finds on Ebay though! Heheh. Fox dance!
HAHAH! *Laughing so hard, falls over*
Oh lavadragon, you have a barn? cool! Do you have any animals in it.. LIKE HORSES???? :D
I am going to be moving out into the country in 2016… :O :D
You have a barn?? Man, I wish I had a barn….
Heheh, we used to FennecFox! A while ago, my grandpa actually had a herd of cows, some guard geese, chickens, and I think maybe a horse… I am not too sure though. (Man! Guard Geese are crazy, just never cross one’s path, they’ll keep nipping at your ankles. xD ) I wanna get an Alpaca, a small flock of ducks, and maybe a Donkey, or a Cow. :D Yeah, our barn is real old. Our property actually used to be open pasture for the cows to graze, it is actually pretty big, around 22 acres If I recall correctly. Now it’s a woods :D Ohmygoooooodness, FennecFox, your gonna have a great time :D
I am so sad webkinz stopped making signatures. What do you think would be a great, new webkinz Signature pet? *virtual high-five to anyone who replies!*
I think that Ganz should create a new fox or wolf, one that I could actually afford!
Idk if they have them but a signature penguin,pug,or unicorn.
NEW KITTY CAT!!!!!!!!! (obvious choice!) XD
Yeah, they already have a Signature Penguin and Pug.
I would love it if webkinz made a signature black wolf (this wasn’t originally my idea, but I think a lot of people on here have said that they’d love it if that one was made) and I’d really like it if they made another signature fox! Oh, and I’d really like it if they made a signature tortoiseshell cat! It’s too bad signatures are retired. I wish they’d make more.
Yes a Signature Silver Fox!!!!!!!
Great ideas, shuggylay, TaffyKitty12, and FoxesRule612!
OHHHH, a Signature Silver Fox! awesome already, FoxesRule612! And taffyKitty12, A sig. tortoiseshell cat! :D AND YEAH, MORE FOXES AND WOLVES! I am so nutty…. LOL
*Starts doing the Signature Pet Dance* :D
Thanks FennecFox!
“What does the Fox Say?” Haha!!!!
I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to your party! :( Me and my brothers were playing football, and I jammed my finger back really hard when I caught a pass, and I sprained it. My finger was huge and hot. It is better now just sore. :) I feel bad.
Oats34WK told me you don’t mind… But I still fell pretty bad.
Sorry, 2002ganz. ;(
A Signature Black Wolf or just more Signature Wolves would be super AWESOME….
You know what would be even more Awesome? A SIGNATURE DUCK. OR A TORTOISE. I-like-tortoises.
OH HAPPY DAYS! I HAVE FINALLY DONE IT! Yes, yes my journey is ow through. I have used 2 HTML Tags! :D VICTORY SCREECH
Yeah, I really wish there was a Signature Black Wolf. :/ I would name him… Ace… He’d have orange eyes, and the fur on his legs would be a little shorter tha the rest of the body, and so look lighter. And he’d have a super fluffy tail. (And sorry lavadragon, but I think a Signature Black Wolf would be more awesome. XD)
Haha, me too, Pokekinz! (They have a signature sea turtle, lavadragon! Sort of like a tortoise) =P I can just picture it.. by simply looking at a timber wolf and in a black. =P I think the face would be a little different though.
Yeah… I was thinking of something like the Kosen sitting black wolf plush. He’d be a bit leaner…. Maybe with a different muzzle.
TORTOISEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, or a Snapping Turtle. I WILL CONVINCE YOU. Picture it: A large tortoise with a huge shell, and long scaly legs. And he is eating a prickly pear cactus. A very good-natured Tortoise, well, this one would be. I don’t know, I just really, really, really like tortoises. They are very, Interesting…
Pokekinz and emi, I think a signature black wolf would be awesome!!!!!!! I own a regular black wolf (his name is Alpha) and he is really cool! But a signature black wolf would almost be cooler! And lavadragon, I think a signature tortoise would be cool, too!
Eh…. Not convinced. XP I’d really like to get Ace, because, he’s Ace. And I really, really like wolves, soo…. Yeah. I have a normal Black Wolf too, TaffyKitty12! His name’s Shadow (because I’m soooo creative) and I personally think he’s quite cool. Not exactly your normal “cool”, though.
Same. I love wolves! It’s a shame there’s only a few in webkinz. It’s also too bad the signature line ended. If you ask me, a think a signature black wolf is one of the best ideas for a webkinz EVER! Oh, and Shadow sounds really cool! I’ve seen some of your webkinz drawings of him and Orion in the webkinz fan art at the Sharecenter (I sometimes like to see what awesome fan art people have made and I’ve come across yours a few times) and it’s amazing! Shadow looks awesome! As for my black wolf, Alpha, I haven’t really come up with a personality for him yet, but I imagine him as a grumpy wolf that sits on his couch all day eating from a bucket of fried chicken. I know that sounds really weird, but I’m not kidding when I say I imagine him being like that. He’s probably not like that, though.
Well I have convinced myself, tortoises are gorgeous. And stunning.
Sorry this is so late Fennec, but webkinz should TOTALLY MAKE A SIGNATURE SHAR PEI!!!! AHHH THEY SO NEED TO, IT WOULD BE ADORABLE!!!! I have a Shar Pei :D.
Oh my gosh, YAY! TheKinzcats has a Fennec Fox webkinz! :D
Great video! I have two signature smalls: A sig. Black bear named Licorice, and a sig. Grey tabby cat named Misty.
I have one, too!
Cool! what is your’s named? :D
His name’s Dusty. I should play with him next time you decide to get on Webkinz so I can show him to you! =D
I totally love the Webkinz Fennec Fox! It is sooo cute. One of my favorite webkinz, for sure. Oh my gosh, and TaffyKitty, you had one named Pikachu??!?!? That is the best thing ever.
OH a fennec fox. You are the meaning of life. You are the apple of EVERYONE’S eye. Oh gosh did i get carried away!
Thanks emi! I named him Pikachu because for some reason his giant ears reminded me of Pikachu’s kinda large pointy ears. The funny thing is I’m not actually into Pokemon (it sounds awesome, though! I really want to get a Pokemon Nintendo 3 DS game so maybe I can get into it, but the only problem is that it’s kinda expensive)
Yeah, super expensive $$$ It took me right around a year to save up for mine :P Nice name for a Fennec Fox though TaffyKitty! Heh, you should totally get 2 more Fennec Foxes and have the whole evolution, (Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu XD)
If you’re talking about the sig red wolf, I know how you feel. It took me a long time to save up for it, but thankfully I finally got enough money to get it. Since then, it’s gone up about $20 in price, so I’m glad I got mine when it was $40 since it’s now $60. Also, that’s a great idea! Now all I need are two more fennec foxes and the evolution will be complete….
That would be so funny if someone named their Fennec fox Finnick from the Hunger Games! XD someone should totally do that!
That would’ve been really funny! Too bad I don’t have another fennec fox to adopt. Still, that would be hilarious! Finnish the Fennec fox. It can’t get much buyer that.
Better, not buyer. Also, I meant to put “Finnick” not “Finnish”. The autocorrect on my iPod knows nothing about the Hunger Games!
Yeah, they do! I may kinda steal that name if I ever get a Fennec Fox.. It’s just soo cute!! ^-^ I don’t play Pokemon either, but I still really like it. I just love all the cute and cool looking Pokemon, lol! I have crocheted Pokemon too. It’s so much fun! (Speaking of which, I have an order from Etsy on a Charmander – I need to get crocheting!)
That’s okay if you use the sane name of you ever ever adopt a fennec fox. I’d do the same thing! Pikachu is a such a cute name for a little fennec fox! Also, it’s so cool that you can crochet Pokemon! You must have a lot of talent! I don’t think I could do that.
I meant “if” not “of”. Also, I meant same, not sane and I didn’t mean to add the extra “ever” in that comment I made earlier.
Ohigosh, I really, really like Pokémon. XD I don’t think I’d name any of my Webkinz after them, though, because Orion also likes Pokémon…. So I guess the franchise exists in my imaginary Webkinz/plush toy place or something. XP I really wish I could get a 3DS…. I mean, guys, I could pet a Pikachu. ;-;
I can tell! You seem like a huge Pokemon fan! Also, that’s kinda funny! Although, it is true…. it probably would a be weird if one of your webkinz was named after a Pokemon and Orion loves Pokemon. Now that I think about it, I might’ve done something like that. I read this one book series and I named one of my webkinz after the characters. But then at the same time, some of my other webkinz read that book series. That must be really awkward for my webkinz. Especially if one of the Webkinz had the name of a character that was one of my other webbies favorite character. Ex. I have a webkinz named Bluestar. What if one of my other webkinz, let’s say, Ninja, had Bluestar as his favorite character. Man, that would be weird. o_o Er, back to the topic. I know how you feel about 3 DS’s. I recently got one, but before I did get it, man, I wanted one really bad! I already had a normal ds, but they were then making all new games 3 DS games, so I couldn’t buy a new game until I got a 3 DS. So far, I only own 5 games. They’re expensive, so I haven’t really gotten a chance to get anymore. Unfortunately, the Pokemon games seen to be the most expensive. They’re almost $40 where I live!
I have only one Webkinz named after any character, and that’s Annabeth the Arctic Fox. I mean, I just really, really liked the name. If one of my Webkinz was named after a Pokémon, I don’t think they’d like it much. I mean, I can definitely see that being teaseable. Or people might inadvertantly annoy the Webkinz (or “Pokékinz” XP) by making references to Pokémon and whatnot. *Coughcough*Orion*Cough* And man…. You and lavadragon have 3DS’s. I really wish I had one…. And some games…. Especially Pokémon games…. Which are apparently especially expensive…… I have a DS Lite, but it’s pretty busted up, and it doesn’t read GameBoy games anymore (although I have a GameBoy SP, so at least I can still play them). And then we have a Nintendo, so I can play that, too…. Just not any Pokémon games.
I’m not into Pokemon or Star Wars, but since everyone is talking about Fennec Fox names, how about Fennekin Sandwalker?
That’s a really cool name!