Movie Showcase – Unboxing the October Webkinz Pets

Are you excited about the October Webkinz pets? Kinztuber Vanillakinz is! Check out this fun unboxing video!



Thanks for sharing with us, Vanillakinz!

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39 Responses to Movie Showcase – Unboxing the October Webkinz Pets

  1. FoxesRule612 says:

    Ooohhh you make me want the Red Velvet Fox even more!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  2. doingmydailies says:

    I love this video by Vanillakinz!!!! When I fist saw the Red Velvet Fox and the Jolly Holiday Puppy I wasn’t so in love with them that I thought I needed to buy them. After watching this video, I’ve decided that they are both super cute and I totally want them!!!! I’m more of a cat person than a dog person but I LOVE the Jolly Holiday Puppy!!! I love the red and green color blocking! Great video Vanillakinz!!!! P.S. Your brother is so funny (deez nuts)!!!

  3. webkinzpupcat says:

    Cool!! I like the Red Velvet Fox and the Jolly Holiday puppy!

  4. vanillakinz says:

    OMG I GOT FEATURED!! lol thank you!

  5. 90skidzrule says:

    I bought a bunch of really old Webkinz at AC Moore last week and I couldn’t believe I found the large sized retired Gray and White cat! I want to make an unboxing (or unbagging) video of all the Webkinz I bought but I don’t know how to join Kinz Tube. Do I need permission to join of do I just make a channel and upload videos normally??

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      KinzTube is just an informal way we refer to Webkinz World videos on YouTube :) When your video is done, send the link to so we can take a look.

      • 90skidzrule says:

        Really?! I can just send it in like that?! That’s so much easier for me cause I really didn’t want a YouTube channel because I don’t have time to make hundreds of videos like the other kinztubers so my channel would be pretty empty. Plus the only video editing program I have is Movie Maker. Thank you for telling me that Sally, I had no idea I could just email them!! :)

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          Sorry for the misunderstanding — you’ll still need to host the video somewhere, preferably on YouTube, so we’d be able to share it. Sending the video to us directly would probably not work — most video sizes are waaaay too big :)

          • 90skidzrule says:

            Ohh I see now, you meant email the YouTube link, well that’s ok making a channel would be fine, I just wasn’t sure if Kinz Tube was something I had to sign up for that’s why I asked, but thanks for clarifying and sorry I misunderstood

  6. Rnw9kinz says:

    Ok my BFF wants the red velvet fox and the new husky.Reply and tell me which one you guys think I should get her.

    • snowandlindsey says:

      Definitely the husky in my opinion! That’s so nice of you to get your friend one of the new webkinz!

    • NMKID4527 says:

      If it were me, I would want the Siberian Husky the most because that thing is adorable! Not that I have anything against the Red Velvet Fox. It’s just that I, personally, would enjoy the husky the most. So you should get her the husky. ;)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      That’s a tough one. I recently got the new husky and it’s so adorable, yet the red velvet fox looks pretty cool…. It’s hard to pick one. My suggestion is maybe the husky since it’s starting to get closer to winter and it is more wintery pet than the fox, but I think either one you choose to get them will be great! ;)

    • winterwarriorwolf says:

      That’s a tough one! I love both of them so much (and I want both for Christmas) but if I had to choose first, I’d probably get the husky because they’re my absolute favorite animal! :)

    • puffapuffle2 says:

      Oooh… hard one. I think it should be the velvet fox! It look way fluffier and it reminds me a red velvet cupcakes! But do not listen to me. do whatever you want!

  7. winterwarriorwolf says:

    Nice video! Your real dogs are so cute! And that’s awesome that you got the new plush pets!! Enjoy them! They look so soft!

  8. Rnw9kinz says:

    I have one question.Where were the secret codes on those adorable webkinz pets?

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! Great video Vanillakinz! I hope you enjoy your new pets! By the way, I know this is totally unrelated, but I got the new Webkinz Siberian Husky yesterday! It’s so cute in plush form!

    • Picia says:

      So lucky!! I really want the new webkinz and the jolly holiday pup!

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Yeah, I feel really lucky that I got the new husky. Also, I hope your able to get the jolly holiday puppy and the other new Webkinz! The jolly holiday pup is such a cute Webkinz! I hope to get that one one day, too. ;)

    • winterwarriorwolf says:

      So lucky!!!

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        It’s probably one of the first times I got Webkinz close to when it got released. When I saw the picture of, it was so cute, I just couldn’t resist! So, to make a long story short, I bought one from the Webkinz store on Amazon. It cost me the rest of my money, but it was worth it! :D I probably would’ve put it on Christmas wish list, but it was hard to wait another almost two months to get it. (Btw, I love your user winterwarriorwolf! I just love wolves! I seriously hope WebKinz makes another one soon)

        • winterwarriorwolf says:

          Definately worth it! (: It’s such a cute pet! I don’t know how I’m going to wait that long, but Christmas seems so close! Enjoy your pet!! (: And thanks! I love wolves, too (: I’d love more wolves! I have the grey wolf and the black wolf Webkinz. I wish I had the other ones (especially the signatures!) too!

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thanks winterwarriorwolf! I love my new Siberian Husky! It took awhile for me to come up with a name for him, but I decided on the name “Frost paw” (I was originally going to name him “Frostbite” but it wouldn’t accept it, and since I was already at the adoption center, I changed the “bite” part to ”paw”. Even though Frost paw wasn’t the original name I chose for him, I still love it!) Also, Christmas does seem pretty close now in a way, especially since I now see all of the Christmas commercials on tv. It’s funny. It’s still almost two months till Christmas, but it still feels so close! Also, your welcome! You’re soooo lucky to have the grey wolf! I’ve always wanted the grey wolf, but it’s kind of expensive now, so I’d have to save up a good amount of my money to get it. I have two webkinz wolves: The black wolf and the signature endangered red wolf. Now that I see the price of the red wolf on Amazon, I’m thankful I got it when it was a little cheaper. I got it two years ago when it was about $40. I didn’t want to spend that much, but I really liked the pet, so I decided to get it. I’m super thankful I did since it’s about $60 now. Now just to gt that timber wolf….. but it’s super expensive! I can understand maybe paying $30 or $40 at the maximum for a webkinz, but $200?! That’s way too much. I hope webkinz considers making some more wolves soon, considering the only plush wolf that’s kind of cheap is the black wolf. Plus, webkinz has only made 4 plush wolves so far. I seriously, seriously hope they make more wolves in the future! That would be great! ;)

        • winterwarriorwolf says:

          It stinks you weren’t able to name your husky Frostbite, but Frostpaw is still really cute!! Are you by any chance a fan of warrior cats? That’s what came to mind when you said the name “Frostpaw” (: I have a lot of names I would call my husky because I want to get real huskies when I’m older and I’ve brainstormed so many names xD I’m actually listening to Christmas music on Pandora, haha. The grey wolf is one of my favorite stuffed animals that I own (: Awh, that’s great!! I want the Signature Endangered Red Wolf and the Timber Wolf and the Siberiam Husky. They were on my Christmas list (and still are xD) since they came out, but signatures are expensive in general! Now with them being rarer, the prices are crazy! I [i]might[/i] get the Red Wolf if I can find one cheap enough. But I won’t spend over $70. As much as I want them, I’m not rich :/ But yeah. I’d love all the wolves!!! And more would be amazing!

          • winterwarriorwolf says:

            *Siberian not Siberiam xD And might not [i]might[/i]

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thanks! I think I wasn’t able to name him “Frostbite” because of the word “bite”. When I typed “Frostbite” in, Ms. Birdy said “Oops, your pet name contains an inappropriate word! Please change it!” I don’t get that because I’ve actually saw people in the clubhouse who used bad words to name their pets, and I don’t get how their allowed to name their pets that, but I’m not allowed to use the word “bite” in my pet’s name. It’s weird. Also, omg, I’m a HUGE FAN of Warrior cats!!! It’s my favorite book series! I’ve read all of the first four series, and I’m working on the new dawn of the clans series. I own pretty much all of the books and I’ve read most of the manga and super edition books. A lot of my pets are even named after some of the cats (for example, one of my cats is named Firestar, another one is named Spottedleaf, and I even have one named Bluestar) I even went as one of the warrior cats, Hollyleaf, for Halloween. I pretty much wore a black cat costume and painted the Thunderclan symbol on my face. Yeah, I guess you can say I’m a really really really big fan of Warriors. By the way, it’s cool that you already came up with husky names! Hopefully you can get real huskies one day! Also, yeah, those WebKinz wolves are expensive. I’m so jealous of the players that are lucky enough to own one. I hope they plan on making tons more wolves in the future!

    • whataawsomekitty says:

      awesome! enjoy it!

  10. paduga1 says:

    This was so cute! Thanks for sharing.

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