Movie Showcase – Webkinz Blue Googles Adoption

Have you ever wondered about Googles? 594nat has all the details!



Do you have a Googles pet? Reply in the comments below, or make your own KinzTube video and send it to!



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49 Responses to Movie Showcase – Webkinz Blue Googles Adoption

  1. penguinlove1 says:

    I have a normal Googles named Cloud.

  2. SnowFox15 says:

    Cute! I don’t have any Googles (yet), but I sure do think they’re adorable!

  3. ShyCookie121 says:

    I got a white and pink googles yesterday and made a video

  4. ilovemoonie says:

    Wow, that was an awesome video, 594nat!! Congrats on having it featured! I loved that “here’s Puddles sitting in a saxophone part” XD so randomly funny. ;) Also, that’s an adorable name for a blue googles! I currently have a regular googles named Plady, a lil’ kinz googles named Larry, a pink googles named Strawberry, and a blue googles named Blueberry. I guess I should get the candy googles, so I can complete my plush googles collection…

  5. orangewing2020 says:

    OMG that was so cute! This video has a special place in my heart because I have a blue googles as well and his name is Bubbles! Nice job!

  6. megamom12 says:

    My grandchildren and a friend have googles. I have not as of yet put one on.

  7. FrancisGF says:

    half the time I click on the canadate in the park it play a video & does not give me my prize. is this happing to other players too? & can you Please fix it.

  8. FoxesRule612 says:

    Very cute video! Unfortunately, I have no Googles, but if I did then I would name him Google so he would match up with another pet I have named Firefox. XD

  9. boulilou says:

    I have 2 pink girl googles and one girl googles

  10. Jaredkinz says:

    Congrats Having Your Vid Featured!

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