Movie Showcase: Webkinz Christmas Tree


Need some last-minute Christmas decorating ideas? What better way to celebrate than with a Webkinz Christmas Tree, like YouTuber skyekimi‘s imaginative creation?



Cool decorations!


If you want to share a Webkinz video you’ve made, leave it in the comments and who knows, it may be featured in our Movie Showcase one day!


For every video in our Movie Showcase so far, click HERE!




76 Responses to Movie Showcase: Webkinz Christmas Tree

  1. phantomofthetotoro says:

    What a cool idea! I know christmas is over for 2014 but i might do this for 2015! I love webkinz and happy new year and late christmas!

  2. clauburg says:

    Interesting tree

  3. webkinziceingthemouse says:

    OMG I think there was a love puppy there and i luv skyekimis vids too

  4. gardenfairyprincess2 says:

    That is the BEST Christmas tree I have ever seen in my life! My parents would never let me decorate our tree like that though. :( I might get a small fake tree from target to put and my room and do this though. Anyways, AWESOME idea.

  5. wboxer15 says:

    I suggest the next movie showcase be a video by xShay Webkinzx. There are too many good ones to count, but one is called “Tuesday Morning Webkinz Signature Haul” that may increase your sales, and his “‘Got Love’ WMV” Webkinz Music Video is amazing. Just a few more suggestions! Merry Christmas! – Kinztuber Mockingbird Inc.

  6. wboxer15 says:

    Dear GANZ, it’s me again, Mockingbird Inc., and I know you’ve already given me a spot on the movie showcase, (I’m really embarrassed I forgot to thank you) but as we speak a video is uploading to my YouTube account that might raise a couple sales. It’s about my Velvety Elephant’s adventures at the Adventure Park, cut into clips so stays interesting. I have noticed that nobody really notices adventure park anymore, and this video might compel kids to get Adventure Park pets. I know it may not sound too great, but if you have 11 minutes, please give it a chance. And if you don’t put it on, I won’t be offended, I already had my time to shine. It’s called: Webkinz Adventure Park and it is by Mockingbird Inc.

  7. shuggylay says:

    Wow! I should so that, and you know what I would ask for for Christmas? MORE ORNAMENTS! :)

  8. Babybluefan says:

    I cant believe I didnt think of that! Its sOOOOOOO creative! Great job skyekimi‘s for your imaginative creation!

  9. rainbowswirl2004 says:

    I have 20 pets Lil Vanilla Dylan Spot Flounder Stuart Chuckie (Chuckie finster from rugrats not creppey doll) Tommy Andrew Paris Charlotte Nicole Nicklas Harold Susie Scott Kimi Coco Phil and Angelica my plan was to get all the rugrats members i forgot Didila

  10. carebeargirl716 says:

    Hi everyone! I’m new to this (this is my first day) and happy holidays!

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