Movie Showcase: You Know You’re a Webkinz Fan When…


We absolutely adore LovelyKittyKinz’s super-sweet video, “You Know You’re a Webkinz Fan When…”! Can you relate to any of these?



Do you have any more “You know you’re a Webkinz fan when ____ ” ideas to add? Let us know in the comments! Plus, be sure to share your own Webkinz videos, too.


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127 Responses to Movie Showcase: You Know You’re a Webkinz Fan When…

  1. Pinkroses9872002 says:

    I can relate to the gift one, the looking for Webkinz in stores when I see plush, and quiet a bit more! :-D

  2. TheCycloneKinz says:

    you know when you have a backpack with a million kinzclips dangling from it. you know when you sometimes spend a month or more deciding on the perfect name for a webkinz. You know when you sacrifice many socks to make webkinz clothes. You know when you try to cook your own real life version of your pet’s special food. some people might do these! ~Cyclone

  3. TheCycloneKinz says:

    You know you’re a webkinz fan when you cried when the sigs. were discontinued you know if you spend an hour a day looking for webkinz deals on amazon or ebay

  4. TheCycloneKinz says:

    I can relate to #’s 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20(ish) 21,and 22! yeah..I love Webkinz!

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