Ms. Cowoline’s Announcement about the Halloween Parade


Well, children, it has come to my attention that the School Council has created a petition to protest the cancelling of this year’s Halloween Parade.

Please be assured that it was never my intention to take the fun out of Halloween. I just felt that with all the effort we put into the play last month, we could make up some missed work by focusing our efforts on our studies rather than taking the time off for a parade.

But I have to agree with winpanda that a 12 page petition is very impressive (and may I add that I DO like your new sig!)

It’s been very informative to read some of the comments. You have all raised some excellent issues.

I thought Gardengal made a great point when they said, “I think they should have the parade. It sounds like a school tradition & it’s very unfair to break a school tradition.”

MDIChickadee had some good ideas and pointed out that traditions like the Halloween Parade are good for the school community. “Dear Ms. Cowoline, The Halloween Parade really brings us together as a community. May we have it immediately after school so that we do not miss any class time? Or is there another option you can think of that would allow us to have the parade while not missing class time? Thank you for your assistance, and I hope we have the parade!” Well said!

To Sodapop, who said, “I think it’s great to start a petition for something you believe in. I vote we have the parade, I can’t wait to see what it’s like. Can we dress up our pets? Go Purr-cilla!” It certainly IS great to stand up for what you believe in.

I really liked live*laugh*love=happiness’ comment, “I’ll sign! To help, think of it this way Mrs. Cowline. This gives the students a chance to express themselves by wearing a costume.” I always welcome self-expression in my students!

R3dRulez said that “This is an important tradition to us!!” Sean noted, “The Halloween Pet Parade is important to the Kinz Crew, Ms. Cowline” while juniedog said, “I sign this petition because I think it is important that the pets can have fun on Halloween. This is one way to shut it down and I am against it.” Those are all very persuasive arguments.

And finally, to lillyluvie, who said “I’m signing! I luv Halloween, and I think it is unfair that Mrs. Cowoline is not letting you have the parade!” and artchic, who added “Put my name down too! Miss Cowaline has no holiday spirit! It is just one afternoon off!” and CouragousTigress who said “I am all for this! Let kids be kids while they can, Ms. Cowaline. Don’t be a sour puss!” Never let it be said that I am unfair or have no holiday spirit, and I certainly wouldn’t want to be thought of as a sour puss!

So, after taking all your comments and signatures into consideration, I have decided that the Halloween Parade is just too important a tradition to let go – even for one year. Thanks to all of you who signed the petition, the parade will go on!

53 Responses to Ms. Cowoline’s Announcement about the Halloween Parade

  1. texasgirl422 says:

    hey!!!!!!!!!!!! parade was awsome last year

  2. spot0415 says:

    thank you, ms. cawoline

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Oh wow! Thank you so much Mrs Cowoline. I posted late, so I didn’t get on there! (I probably wouldn’t have anyways :( )
    Good job people! Great posting!


  4. ♥cclkm♥ says:

    Wooo Hooo! Yay! We get to have the Halloween Parade! Thank you Ms. Cowoline!

  5. cutiepie720 says:

    Time to get our parade on! WHOO-HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. jazzyunicorn says:

    Yay! The parade goes on! I’m so happy!

  7. lugwee says:

    thank you Ms. Cowoline that was very gracious of you to let us have the parade, i’m sure they will work just as hard on their homework and still have time to put together a costume! :) thanks again your the best!


  8. PikachuHazelNut's says:

    Awesome! To all who got mentioned right now TOTAL CONGRATULATIONS! I may have not been on but that doesn’t mean I didn’t sign! I DID SOMETHING lol!
    Quick question, I totally don’t remember how you send in crafts! Can someone tell me I have ideas!!

  9. sarahandlacey says:

    Thank you Ms. Cowoline! :mrgreen:

    • sarahandlacey says:

      Congratulations lillyluvie! You made it on there. :lol:

      • SwedishLatte says:

        Yay lillyluvie! You’re on her list of people she mentioned! I always love read your comments too! :mrgreen:

        • lillyluvie says:

          OMG OMG OMG OMG! I’m so happy! :D :mrgreen: I would never have dreamed something as good as this would happen to me! This is so exciting!

          *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • lillyluvie says:

            :mrgreen: Still can’t believe it!!!! :mrgreen: Thanks for reading my comments!

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • snuggles56100 says:

            You are the most famous commenters ever!!!!!! please add me my username is snuggles56100

          • live*laugh*love=happiness says:

            OMG! I’m SO happy! Mrs. Cowline put my comment on! This is so awesome! This just made my day! I can hardly believe it! Yay! Congrats 2 everyone else who made the list too! :D
            P.S. Thanks for letting them have the parade!

          • CricketsClub says:

            Thankz Ms. Cowoline! And LilyLuvie~ Congrats to you!!! I always read all your comments~ you get an A++++++ in my book 4 being the most postive comments EVER :) :) :) And congrats to all the others that were named too! How Exciting 4 everybody! 4ever, Cricket :)

          • lillyluvie says:

            Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you SO much! :D That is so nice. :)

            *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • PandaOreo1 says:

            Even though I didn’t make this list, i feel your glee lillyluvie, and everyone else who made it. I should comment more to be well known here, and I’m friends with people here, including krystalkat(herusername will be kepy confidential)
            Oreo da Panda is #1!!!!!!!!!!

          • R3dRulez says:

            OhMahGosh!!! This is soooo wonderful!!! I can’t believe they used my name :D :’D :D Thank you so much!!!! Congrats to everyone else who had their names mentioned!!

          • bookworm says:

            I love to read your comments lillieluvie.

      • Kodiak...oh wow says:

        So they do recognize us as usernames! I did put something down about it being a tradition too, but it never posted. Oh well…

      • Wittytaylorswiftgirl23 says:

        Oh yeah and congratulations to everyone mentioned

      • krystalkat says:

        Congrats to the people who made it. :D Unfortunally I didnt. :( But its ok yay for the parade!

        krystalkat on LT

    • Wittytaylorswiftgirl23- all sad says:

      Cool, I am depressed i just said goodbye to one of the best teachers ever and my best friends I got into the IB program and i have to switch schools :( I bet a thousand dollars nothing could cheer my up even the fact me and my best friend are going camping tomorrow

      • harrypotterrocks says:

        Congrats! to all of you who made it!!! I hope they do have the parade!


      • alyssa says:

        WOAH I’m in the IB program too! Congrats on getting in! You really should be proud and trust me, you’re going to be totally happy in your new school. You’re friends are there, aren’t they? Be happy!

        Oh and congrats to all the people who were mentioned. It’s cool that they actually read the posts.

      • Northwestern says:

        Aww, I’m sorry. :( I hope things go well there. Keep in touch with your old friends, and be optimistic. You might make even more friends. Good luck!

    • OM says:


    • Cecilia says:

      same thing is happening at my school except we don’t have a principal as nice as Miss Cowaline. I wish I could print this & hand it to my principal.

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