Ms. Stripes Is Actually NICE?












Hi , it’s Sparky and I’ve got some unbelievable news! You know Ms. Stripes? She’s actually NICE!

Even though she’s new here and really strict and has yelled at some of us already (including at me this one time I accidentally dropped something in the middle of class. It wasn’t my fault!), yesterday Nibbles told me that when she was crying in the hallway because she’d gotten a bad mark on her science test, Ms. Stripes stopped and consoled her. She said Nibbles just needed a bit of extra help and that she’d be glad to stay after school to go over homework with her. She even offered her a piece of her chocolate bar. I can’t believe it! Ms. Stripes has been the toughest teacher we’ve ever had, but maybe she has a soft side too!

Next time I do badly on a test, maybe I’ll try crying in the hallway, too….hmm…

29 Responses to Ms. Stripes Is Actually NICE?

  1. Random reader says:

    Sparky! YOU’RE SO SARCASTIC AT TIMES! But i’m glad Ms. Stripes is being nice :)

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    See we told you she was nice!!!!

  3. sonici says:

    LOLOL Really Sparky??? LOL…… **~**Sonici**~**

  4. cathouse2 says:

    Ms. Stripes is nice! That’s really cool Sparky! >>cathouse2

  5. ~*Green Zebra*~my sig. aint working says:

    wow im glad that she is nice!!!!!~GZ~

  6. Gabriella♥ says:

    Well, Sparky, you better get used to it, because Hailey lectured Ms. Stripes about how she should act differently, and now, Ms. Stripes will! So Sparky, enjoy your present! Cause you can’t return it, LOL! ♥Gabriella♥

  7. Star says:

    Aww! Hailey touched Mrs. Stripes’ heart, and now Mrs. Stripes can touch her students’ hearts and help them out! (Just like my Grade 6 teacher!) ~*Star*~

  8. Chelsea135 says:

    WOOHOOO!!!!!! good job Ms. Stripes for being NICE!!!!! Sparky:Crying in the hallway won’t get u any attention,since guys are supossed to be tough and strong when they getbad marks,not being a baby in the hallway(I HAD TO SAY IT SORRY) -’-Chelsea315-’-

  9. Philadelphia Kinz says:

    Wow! Miss Stripes is so pretty! See kinz? Your teacher is really nice! ! ;) all the best, (* Philadelphia Kinz*)

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