Mystery Bear Revealed!










Wow, what a great Earth Day! I was in the Kinzville Park the whole afternoon picking up litter to toss in the trash. I’d especially like to thank Katalicious, whiterosedefence, and DaffodilBud for sharing their Earth Day plans. It sounds like you all really pitched in!


What I’m working on:

Part of the mystery bear puzzle from a couple of weeks ago has been solved! This adorable pal is going to be called the Mystic Moon Bear and it will be arriving in Webkinz World soon. I’ve been put in charge of creating its favorite food!









I Shouldn’t Be Showing You This But I Will:

My friend Sean was not impressed with my blog last week because he said he already knew everything I had to share. Well Sean, I feel bad about letting you down so in addition to my Mystic Moon Bear scoop I also managed to find this extremely top secret item photo! I’m not sure what it is exactly but it looks like an awesome shoe rack.








Sugar Glider Says:

Wahooooo! I found the River Ripple Gem earlier this week and finally won my Crown of Wonder! Thanks ChristianAnimalLover for your support of my search. This is me wearing my crown in my candy room.



138 Responses to Mystery Bear Revealed!

  1. Peacegirlbeebs008 says:

    when are you announcing th winners for the chick contest i have been waiting for over a month!

  2. ShelyP says:

    That bear is really cute sugar glider, i don’t remember which ones i voted for but i think that was one of them. You have any ideas for food for it yet? I really need to find the ruby red heart it is my last gem in my first crown (but i have been playing webkinz since 2007 O.o) you look so styling in that pic

  3. flowerchild says:

    Will the Mystic Moon Bear be a plush or a Estore pet? I hope it is a plush because then everyone can enjoy this wonderful bear. Who’s with me! PS: if you are with me reply. :)

    • sosdogs999 says:

      Im toatally with u!

      • Makenna says:

        Hey this txt is for everyone i won the dice thing so what is the free spree roll for is it for dicekniz?

        • ChristianAnimalLover says:

          That dice thing is a bonus roll for this new game at the arcade called “Spree” Be sure to play it cause sometimes you will get prizes! (it depends)

          • Skillet Lover says:

            Ya, I just fount that like 10 seconds ago and I clicked on it, but it popped up and said that the page has expired and something like it was no longer in use, or something. Ya, it’s really annoying!

      • Gameboy says:

        I’m with you. But all pets that have that kind of graphics will be in the estore. So sadly chances are its not going to be in the estore. But it has 10% chance that its not going to be in the estore. (PS. My user is 007Gameboy)

    • RedPanda says:

      So with you, but it look complcated to put in plush form!

    • Su says:

      I am so with you flowerchild! Plushies are so awsome and so is this bear so they should make a plush! It’s so obvious.



      • hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :# ............................. :D says:

        ya all the cool pets are e-store.

    • dachsiesrule says:

      yeah i am with you. i am TRYING really hard to get webkinz to make they cotton candy sheep plush. but Allison and Emily disappeared,so i have no support.

    • ChristianAnimalLover says:

      I agree with you flowerchild! Doesn’t the mystic moon bear look so cute?? I do! I hope it’s a plush. BTW, you look AWESOME in your crown of wonder, Sugar Glider! Glad you finally got it! And I think that shoe rack MIGHT be for a new theme in the Wshop. Just guessin!


      I’M WIF U

  4. Mosstalon says:

    Whoa! The Bear RULES! It Is So Cute!

  5. gwenelizabeth2 says:

    CONGRATS W/ THE CROWN. 4 away myself. Now will this bear be availiable in PLUSH. please say yes. It’s coloring go perfect w/ my collection plus will match my dining room–all stars and clouds. I oh, so LOVE THE NAME. PEACE OUT over 700 green points. And counting. want to know what the top levels called and what prizes-be cool if got own park for room.

  6. lawozniak says:

    i hope this bear will be a plush

  7. BloomingRose says:

    Awesome! The whole thing might have to do with planets, or the others might be a kind of fruit. The bear is estore for sure, unless something amazing happened. Sorry Webkinzmom911 for something I said long ago, when they introduced the watermelon pool.

  8. lcgirl2 says:

    I think the item that looks like a shoe-rack is really a jazzed up sterio speaker. Judging by the colors and patterns on it and also the shape seals what I think the shoe-rack looks like.

  9. kinzklipfan says:

    Congratulations on the Crown of Wonder and cute picture.

    • Su says:

      I hope that the Mystic Moon Bear is a plushie! It would be a really cute one I bet!
      Su <3

      • justice says:

        I know. I would definetly add it to my collection. So far, I have 20 webkinz : a Brown Arabian, A Himalayan, A Hound Dog, A Polar Bear, a Jellybean Puppy, a Willow hamster, a Love Spaniel, 2 Bengal tigers, a Panda, a signature Black Bear, an endangered Bengal Tiger, a Bushbaby, a Cinnamon hamster, a Cookie hamster, a Hopping Bunny, a Green Earth Puppy, a Rockhopper penguin, a Pink Glitter Fish, and a Tree Frog.

        • OneVerse says:

          Hi, justice~
          I was wondering, how do you tell your pets apart when they are the same kind. Like you said you had 2 bengal tigers, I’m assuming boy and girl, how do you tell which is which?? I would love to know, in case I get 2 pets of the same kind!! Thanks justice!!!

          • iampermmonkey says:

            for one thing, they already look a little different because they are a boy and girl, and if they are the same gender, then they would probably have different names… right? and if not, they have different profiles… they like different things! and if u can’t tell them apart by then… ur stuck!

          • partus1 says:

            when I adopt a pet, I put a baseball cap on the boys and a daisy hair clip or a bow on the girls. I also rely on the picture at the far left of the dock to let me know who I am currently playing with. Hope this helps you!

      • Serene says:

        I hope so too, but I don’t think it will be. It will be an estore pet, i can already tell

      • stuffed_ninja says:

        Me too!!!It looks SOO cute!!!

      • Animal21 says:

        Me too! I would definitely buy it if it was a plushie! It’s so cute! <3

  10. Donutlover says:

    His name is Peterson and he is a preowend wooly mamooth but he still has his tag
    And by the way that is sooo awesome sugar glider !
    and i think it looks like part of the shopaholic theme

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