Mystery Bear Revealed!










Wow, what a great Earth Day! I was in the Kinzville Park the whole afternoon picking up litter to toss in the trash. I’d especially like to thank Katalicious, whiterosedefence, and DaffodilBud for sharing their Earth Day plans. It sounds like you all really pitched in!


What I’m working on:

Part of the mystery bear puzzle from a couple of weeks ago has been solved! This adorable pal is going to be called the Mystic Moon Bear and it will be arriving in Webkinz World soon. I’ve been put in charge of creating its favorite food!









I Shouldn’t Be Showing You This But I Will:

My friend Sean was not impressed with my blog last week because he said he already knew everything I had to share. Well Sean, I feel bad about letting you down so in addition to my Mystic Moon Bear scoop I also managed to find this extremely top secret item photo! I’m not sure what it is exactly but it looks like an awesome shoe rack.








Sugar Glider Says:

Wahooooo! I found the River Ripple Gem earlier this week and finally won my Crown of Wonder! Thanks ChristianAnimalLover for your support of my search. This is me wearing my crown in my candy room.



138 Responses to Mystery Bear Revealed!

  1. Maria says:

    Looks like a ROCKIN shoe rack to me! lol get it? ;)

  2. OldGiraffe says:

    The rack has shoes and what looks like speakers, so I guess is a Soul (Sole) Music Speaker.

  3. Kaily says:

    Is this new pet Estore or Plush? Wouldn’t that be a C-U-T-E plush!! Plus ganz would get alot of money for those if they were plush. More money then in the Estore becauser there is more people without deluxe & points that do, for instance I only have a very little amount of points!

  4. KatieFly says:

    I LOVE that bear!!! It is SO cute!!! I want one!!!


  5. TheOStuff says:

    It’s definitely an E-Store Pet. Ganz wouldn’t put all those details on a plush pet.

  6. teapot8 says:

    i love this bear!! he is sooo cute! :) but he better not be estore!

  7. kittypoo says:

    Thanks for the inside scoop, Sugar Glider!! :D okay, so if you can and if you read my post could you PLEASE give me a shout out in your next post?? If so, thanks a billion! Webkinz are the bestt!!!! :D

    ~I love all my Webkinz, MAZIN’ Hamsters, and Zumbuddy so much and I will forever no matter what! YAY WEBKINZ!!~
    -I have been a proud and happy member of Webkinz World for 4 years!-

  8. 15hunter16 says:

    Hi Sugar Glyder, I have a few things to say! 1. Congratulations on getting your crown of Wonder. I got mine earlier this week too! 2. I think the bear looks totally cool! 3. I also think the sterio shoe rack is way cool too! Please show us some sneak peeks for Members who don’t have e-store points or aren’t deluxe members!


    I love th beare its so awsome wish I could have it! lOVE it :)

  10. Zoes411 says:

    Does anyone have any item for the Looney Tunes collection yet? If you do I would love to trade you for anything you have for 2 or 3 different types of recipe foods. Thanks!!! My user name is Zoes411 if you what to trade me or talk to me. Thanks again!!!
    -Zoes411(80′s lover of 97′ )

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