Mystery Bear Revealed!










Wow, what a great Earth Day! I was in the Kinzville Park the whole afternoon picking up litter to toss in the trash. I’d especially like to thank Katalicious, whiterosedefence, and DaffodilBud for sharing their Earth Day plans. It sounds like you all really pitched in!


What I’m working on:

Part of the mystery bear puzzle from a couple of weeks ago has been solved! This adorable pal is going to be called the Mystic Moon Bear and it will be arriving in Webkinz World soon. I’ve been put in charge of creating its favorite food!









I Shouldn’t Be Showing You This But I Will:

My friend Sean was not impressed with my blog last week because he said he already knew everything I had to share. Well Sean, I feel bad about letting you down so in addition to my Mystic Moon Bear scoop I also managed to find this extremely top secret item photo! I’m not sure what it is exactly but it looks like an awesome shoe rack.








Sugar Glider Says:

Wahooooo! I found the River Ripple Gem earlier this week and finally won my Crown of Wonder! Thanks ChristianAnimalLover for your support of my search. This is me wearing my crown in my candy room.



138 Responses to Mystery Bear Revealed!

  1. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:


  2. CocaCola says:

    I think the food should be moon berries

  3. Plaindog says:

    The moon bear is really cute! I think blueberrys should be It’s favorite food.

  4. Susan says:

    I know that it sounds corny, but I think that Green Cheese would be good for the Moon Bear’s food…or maybe a Crater Cake?????

  5. flowerchild6 says:

    I have a GREAT idea for it’s food………… MYSTIC MOON BERRY PIE!!! The pie could be light blue with dark blue icing running down the sides. Also, it could have stars and moons on it. Ganz……… PLEASE DO THIS!!!!!! It would make me SO happy! PS: when I post comments, it says ‘You are post comments too quickly, slow down” and then it does not even send the comment. IT MAKES ME ANGRY!!!

  6. ohr says:

    Sorry to let u know but 90% are voting the bear is e-store and are right since they started a new pet series, the bears .It will look awsome in plush but is impossible to make.

  7. amy says:

    the shoe rack looks like it could be for a disco thing because of the stereos and shoe styles in the cubby holes.

  8. Katalicious says:

    He he…I feel like a celebrity. (oops) Congrats Sugar Glider on your Crown Of Wonder!! The bear looks adorable! I really want to know when it comes out. The shoe rack looks awesome too! That would definitly go with my Shopaholic Room!

  9. Daffodil011 says:

    That pet looks AWESOME!

  10. freddysix says:

    soooo not cool.

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