Nafaria’s Challenge is HERE!









Starting on September 1, a certain bad fairy queen will be flying into Webkinz World, looking for stars from Alyssa’s Star Challenge. Why does Nafaria want the stars? What will she do with them? No one really knows – but we have heard that she has prizes that she MIGHT give away! The decision is yours: if you see Nafaria, will you give her your stars?

33 Responses to Nafaria’s Challenge is HERE!

  1. Kodah says:

    You don’t have to find her, she will just float into your screen. I have already got the whole purple suit outfit and a poison ivy plant! :)

    • CandiKinz says:

      how do I get her to come? I only have a few of her prizes and I’d love to collect more! I’ve really taken to Nafaria; She is my favorite fairy!

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