Nafaria’s Recipe Poem








Hello Gazpacho helpers,

I hope you’ve had some fun,

‘Cause now the time for finding clues,

I’m sad to say, is done.

But don’t despair, my pretties,

If you missed a day or two,

Now’s the time to read my rhyme,

And find your missing clue.

If you’re smart enough to get it,

You’ll make Chef Gazpacho glad,

But if this poem’s too hard for you,

Well, tough luck I say – too bad!

The first recipe was delicious,

With a stick not from a tree,

Tall veggies, something in a shell,

Have you got it? Don’t ask me!

Second, we had a poky food,

Not the simplest thing to eat,

Tough green veggie,  a spiky fruit,

And berries made it complete.

Next was a recipe I enchanted,

But these ingredients, I promise, are right,

Cook it in your toaster, eat them with milk,

And look for the food that’s white.

This recipe is one I enchanted too!

I’m such a clever queen.

Get a platter of something, a French food,

And a bunch of fruits in green.

The second last recipe is really quite odd,

Its taste may make you sigh,

Look for red and wiggly, green and bumpy,

And a slice of yellow and white pie.

The final recipe is hot and cool,

So add something that might breathe fire,

Then get some bread, something green and red,

To get the recipe that you desire.

My clues, they aren’t easy,

They’re full of Nafaria flair,

Figure them out if you can,

And enter the contest if you dare!


112 Responses to Nafaria’s Recipe Poem

  1. Jeanene says:

    These are the Stolen Recipes (in order and spelled correctly) for those of you who found the ingredients but don’t know what they make or what you make them in. You can buy the ingredients (found in Nafaria’s poem) and go to the Super Chef room in the Clubhouse and make them for yourselves! They look cool and your pets will LOVE them! If you don’t use the right thing to make them in, the ingredients will just make blech or gunk or other icky stuff. so be sure to use the appliance I have listed beside them.
    Canoopaddarole (Oven)
    Pokeydokees (Sandwich Maker)
    Pastel Rilladillows (Oven)
    Voilalatte (Blender)
    Striped Mellowmallow (Blender)
    Fire and Water Sandwich (Sandwich Maker)

  2. ilovedance says:

    I know all of the recipes. I entered the contest already.

  3. Padmai says:

    Smiley, I will share the recipes with you.
    Day 1. Canoopaddarole: Asparagus + Fish Sticks + Tacos on the stove
    Day 2. Pokeydokees: Artichoke + Durian + Raspberry in the sandwich maker
    Day 3. Pastel Rilladillow: Cookies + Toaster Pastry + White Rice on the stove
    Day 4. Voilatatte: Cheeses + Croissant + Grapes in the Blender
    Day 5. Striped Mellowmallow: Jelly + Lemon Meringue Pie + Pickle in the Blender
    Day 6. Fire and Water Sandwich: Bread + Dragon Fruit + Watermelon in the Sandwich Maker
    These are the correct recipes in the correct order. Don’t let anyone tell you different. The ingredient can be purchase in the wshop and if you don’t have the appliances you can go to the club house in the chef room to make them. Good Luck Smiley :)

  4. lily says:

    help me out i can not get it at all

  5. ccismydog says:

    Nafaria, I will work with the clues later. I know you most likely will not answer my question, but why did Alyssa tell us all on the front page that you lied and gave us wrong ingredients? Like I’d trust you even if you DID answer…….

  6. 34 jgytree34hyujjhgf says:

    I think the second clue is an artichoke.

  7. ClaraZ25 says:

    Why is there ingredients in Pastel Rilladillows and Voilalatte that weren’t even available when these recipes were introduced? Both Croissant and Toaster Pastry were not in the wShop when these two recipes were added to Webkinz World. This doesn’t seem fair to me. I have spent thousands of dollars in KinzCash trying to solve these recipes since they have been released and then I find out that we have been playing by different rules all along. Are there anymore recipes like this. Perhaps Boiled Wyvernacle for instance.

    When I solved Yummytummy Tumbler in September of 2009 I was able to accept the fact that cabbage was an ingredient. It seemed perfect to me. I know others didn’t share the same opinion as me on this but at least cabbage was available from the start. Also for those of you who are going to say no you didn’t solve YTT I have the trophy to prove it ;)

    Ganz I just hope that you will learn from this mistake and be more clear with us in the future.

  8. nafarias says:

    you must be joking you’ll never find them i blew them away but my poem has sum clues that are and arent right


  9. MelissaBear44277 says:

    canopadarole is fish taco rice
    pokydoke is arichuk duriaen qanfdn razbres n
    hop nu like it thie all;k nthese r reaciperassw nare right!!!

  10. mccelt says:

    We did it without your -help- Nafaria, and despite your enchanments, good luck to all :D

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