Nafaria’s Recipe Poem








Hello Gazpacho helpers,

I hope you’ve had some fun,

‘Cause now the time for finding clues,

I’m sad to say, is done.

But don’t despair, my pretties,

If you missed a day or two,

Now’s the time to read my rhyme,

And find your missing clue.

If you’re smart enough to get it,

You’ll make Chef Gazpacho glad,

But if this poem’s too hard for you,

Well, tough luck I say – too bad!

The first recipe was delicious,

With a stick not from a tree,

Tall veggies, something in a shell,

Have you got it? Don’t ask me!

Second, we had a poky food,

Not the simplest thing to eat,

Tough green veggie,  a spiky fruit,

And berries made it complete.

Next was a recipe I enchanted,

But these ingredients, I promise, are right,

Cook it in your toaster, eat them with milk,

And look for the food that’s white.

This recipe is one I enchanted too!

I’m such a clever queen.

Get a platter of something, a French food,

And a bunch of fruits in green.

The second last recipe is really quite odd,

Its taste may make you sigh,

Look for red and wiggly, green and bumpy,

And a slice of yellow and white pie.

The final recipe is hot and cool,

So add something that might breathe fire,

Then get some bread, something green and red,

To get the recipe that you desire.

My clues, they aren’t easy,

They’re full of Nafaria flair,

Figure them out if you can,

And enter the contest if you dare!


112 Responses to Nafaria’s Recipe Poem

  1. Hanna says:

    Just after I entered the contest, they posted this poem! I think I got one wrong! (Sigh)!

  2. pokegirl says:

    Ok i know what it is, but how do you tell Chef Gazpacho the recipe? help!

  3. OwlEars says:

    I decided to compose a poem in honor of this special occasion, when everyone proves to Nafaria that working together, we can find Gazpachos missing recipes! Here it is:
    When the darkness of bad faries meets the power of recipe dectives
    ___they find that thier magic is easily deflected;
    They try and try and try and try
    ___but the dificulty of our challenge won’t make us cry;
    And now I have to say adue,
    ___I’ve entered the challenge, how about you?
    Congrats to all the people who win the sparrow or pegasus! I hope you enjoy your new friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Fliffy pup says:

    SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT A SILK SPARROW I WOULD BE SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please? :)

  5. batas says:


  6. Zike says:

    Wow… this is SO not Nafaria… I still can’t believe she’s being this NICE to us when she’s supposed to be the bad fairy! (Explanation, please?)

  7. Webkinz says:

    Huh, weird! :|

  8. horserider1011 says:

    This helped confirm. Thank you. And cool poem, it must have taken long to come up with.

  9. Van says:

    I got the recipes oh yeah go me it’s Birthday!

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