New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!












If your pet has ever wanted to dive down deep and explore the ocean, they’re going to love our new Deep Sea Explorer challenges. In these challenges, you’ll get to play some awesome games – and take a restful vacation!

In order to do these challenges, first you need to complete the Space Camp series of challenges. You can have as long as you like to complete this Challenge – it doesn’t expire!

You can find the Deep Sea Explorer challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started.

As you complete the Deep Sea Explorer challenges, you’ll unlock all sorts of great prizes. Have fun!


216 Responses to New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!

  1. LivingAloha says:

    Ohhh! Lots of cool shiny and sparkly items to earn! Love all the new things to do. Just two more days until recess!

  2. IceQueen says:

    I LOVE WEBKINZ!!!!!!

  3. SapphireSea says:

    Yay! Now I just HAVE to get through the other two challenges!

  4. spunkygirl says:

    To friend Ms. Cowoline, gymdog, you need to complete a full day of classes. So you’ll have to do three classes.

  5. starburst says:

    gosh. what’s with all these challenges? ill never finish!

  6. CocaCola says:

    WOW..they certainly are keeping us busy. I love it!

  7. gymdog says:

    well i can’t pass till i get recess and some how become friends with Ms.Cowoline because she won’t ask =(

  8. countrygirl93 says:

    Another one? Oh my gosh, lol, I still need to complete my Teacher’s Pet challenge! It’s awesome that this one doesn’t expire though! Hopefully it’s the same with the others. : )

  9. dewdrop says:

    So Cool there are so many new Items to collect and they are all fantastic.Thanks Ganz :)

  10. IceQueen says:

    Neat I Love free prizes!

    • SwedishLatte says:

      Cool! I haven’t even started the Teacher’s Pet challenges yet, but I’ll be sure to work on these soon! :D

      • lillyluvie says:

        I probably won’t do ANY of the challenges. I mean, they sound really fun… But I just don’t have the time. :(

        *Luv from LillyLuvie*

        • Rosy : ) says:

          All the challenges sound really fun,but I think they are giving use to much of them.I mean who has the time. : )

        • lilspring says:

          lillyluvie you should try they don’t take long at all. On one of the challenge you buy something from the w-shop or do your Academy classes if you have two webkinz doing classes that knocks that out, so easy.
          Just give it a try. I know you can do it in nothing flat. :)

          • Harrypotterrocks says:

            U have to spend a lot of money and do a lot of things to finish these.


          • Stacie says:

            They do cost a lot of money and take days to do one task sometimes. Like the recess one, is still a week away for me. But, my question is for this one. I have a bunch of saved vacation tickets because I’m deluxe (you know deluxe gets a FREE one each month). I was hoping they would come up with a new vacation because this one is getting old to me so I’m saving them. This challenge requires that I use ALL my tickets before it lets me buy a new one to complete level 2 of the challenge. I’ve tried using one of my tickets. I’ve tried to buy a new one (it said I already had a ticket to that destination and wouldn’t let me buy another one). I’ve even tried to go to the spa. Nothing works. Is anyone with extra tickets having any luck completing this Deep Sea Challenge? I don’t know what the final prize is, but the Deep Sea Explorer is not worth 15 of my Vacation tickets. HELP

          • lg says:

            You can always sell it back. I had just did reses like the day before and after awile they changed it to feeding my pet 10 apples.

          • cheesecakerocks says:

            wow does it cost a lot of money well if it does than I am not doing it

        • kba85 says:

          hey lillyluvie,:D i see u’r comments ALOT!!!! and i was wondering, do u want 2 b friends? ( on webkinz that is) p.s. my user is kba85.

        • Gracie anne :) !!!!!!!!! says:


      • pumpkie10 says:

        Me neither, well i have started it. i wonder if you get a vacation ticket after u complete the deep sea challenge. i need 1. 2morrow i will start my space challenge . gr8 :)
        ~ pumpkie10

      • kpi8 says:

        I haven’t finished the 3rd teachers challenge because my turtle pace computer wont let me play webkinz rally…

    • petuniapointeshoes says:

      How many challenges are there? I have certainly heard of a lot!! I’m in shock..i never thought we would be doing challenges on webkinz :()

      • sarahandlacey says:

        This is very awesome! ;-)

      • bearluva007 says:

        there is the teachers pet challenge, overtime challenge, space camp challenge, thanksgiving challenge, deep sea challenge, and those are just the ones i know. I’m stuck on the stinkin’ recess one. I have 7 more days to go. Not fair. the challenges are coming too fast. i don’t have the time. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

        • dani says:

          Yeah, me too. I still have 5 days left on mine. Why do they have to make some of the early challenges so hard? Those Heathly Harvest challenges are hard too. I can’t get enough points to get the berries I need. Does anyone know how to get enough points on Jumbleberry Fields?


            Hey dani I know the feeling I get only enough points like yesterday, I got two jumbleberries and one sugarberry. I don’t know how we are supposed to get enough points to get a pickleberry and moonberry!!!!! Hey all that want to be friends with me my username is: lilKinzKlip Get in touch with me dani!!!

          • WEBKINZFAN says:

            Hey dani get in touch! I do not know how we are supposed to get a pickleberry and a moonberry!!!!!!
            Grrrrrrr!! I’m so frusterated!!!!

          • LG_ says:

            Jumbleberry fields is just a kid friendly veshin of Yatze(not sure how to spell it)

      • spritz564 says:

        Well Petuniapointeshoes All The Callenges I Know Of Are…
        teachers pet, healthy harvest,spree,space camp,overtime,lunch with cowabelle, clean up the park,spring cleaning and cover girl challenges! wow thats a lot!!!! hope i helped!
        :) spritz564:)

    • AlfredoBurrito says:

      LOL! I love free prizes too! I just got the “Too Cool Ball Cap” (Estore) for my penguin today. Its amazing the new and awesome, exciting, and wonderful challenges and things Webkinz has come up with! Way to go Webkinz!! =D

    • Lydia3070 says:

      How do you make friends if you already said no to someone like Miss Cowoline?

    • 1234we says:

      I DO TO did you get moter bike?

    • Hermione says:

      They’re not exactly free if you have to pay tons of money to buy them…

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