New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!












If your pet has ever wanted to dive down deep and explore the ocean, they’re going to love our new Deep Sea Explorer challenges. In these challenges, you’ll get to play some awesome games – and take a restful vacation!

In order to do these challenges, first you need to complete the Space Camp series of challenges. You can have as long as you like to complete this Challenge – it doesn’t expire!

You can find the Deep Sea Explorer challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started.

As you complete the Deep Sea Explorer challenges, you’ll unlock all sorts of great prizes. Have fun!


216 Responses to New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!

  1. abigail says:

    it is awsome!!!

  2. kalin says:

    I Hope to win. But I Agree :)

  3. iheartwebkinz says:


  4. cat5meow says:

    Have you done level two?

  5. madison says:

    that sounds great but i cant find the icon!!

  6. sarah says:

    I think that is just ridiculus.

  7. MONKEYGIRL says:


  8. addison says:

    ahhhh lots of bling bling!!!!!!!

  9. Missyames1735 says:

    oh cool more fun challenges.

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