New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!












If your pet has ever wanted to dive down deep and explore the ocean, they’re going to love our new Deep Sea Explorer challenges. In these challenges, you’ll get to play some awesome games – and take a restful vacation!

In order to do these challenges, first you need to complete the Space Camp series of challenges. You can have as long as you like to complete this Challenge – it doesn’t expire!

You can find the Deep Sea Explorer challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started.

As you complete the Deep Sea Explorer challenges, you’ll unlock all sorts of great prizes. Have fun!


216 Responses to New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!

  1. sidnei says:

    I need this badly!

  2. Angelica says:

    That looks like so much fun I am going to defiently try it!! :)

  3. horse lover 6 says:

    im almost don with this one

  4. 56billy209 says:

    Stacie the final prizes are a sunken dining hall chair and a sunken ocean liner wallpaper… not that great but still ok…. hope this helped u :)

  5. violet says:

    i love webkinz world

  6. david says:

    my pet has wanted to

  7. allgal says:

    I can’t find it

  8. kallythekoala says:

    i hate the challenges because they have way to many challenges .any way who wants to have to do like 50 challenges like every month! gggrrrrrrrr!!! i love webkins but like the challenges.. there like way tooo much because we already have all those other things to do in webkins like the todays activites,the gem mining,the kinzville academy,and alll those other things to do in webkinz world. sorry i like to type alot. bye!!!!!!

  9. lalaworld says:

    i lik the changleges en all but i don’t get how you can do them and some are for deluce only and i want to know how to get deluce they get to do so many COOL things and have so many more priverliges than normal ones:(well got to go play:):)

  10. catlover9205555 says:

    They r really fun! I’ve did every single challenge and earned lots of $ and prizes!!! U SHOULD ALL TRY THEM!!! ALL OF THEM!

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