New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!












If your pet has ever wanted to dive down deep and explore the ocean, they’re going to love our new Deep Sea Explorer challenges. In these challenges, you’ll get to play some awesome games – and take a restful vacation!

In order to do these challenges, first you need to complete the Space Camp series of challenges. You can have as long as you like to complete this Challenge – it doesn’t expire!

You can find the Deep Sea Explorer challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started.

As you complete the Deep Sea Explorer challenges, you’ll unlock all sorts of great prizes. Have fun!


216 Responses to New Deep Sea Explorer Challenge!

  1. otter says:

    that sounds grate !!!!!

  2. jackie says:

    I can’t wait to get started!!!

  3. Jade AKA eeta4 says:

    Yay, another challenge! I just finished the Teacher’s Pet and Thanksgiving Challenge. Good luck to ya’ll on this new and exciting challenge. ;D
    Best Regards,

  4. savannah says:

    i think its cool:]

  5. WoLf says:

    They do cost a lot of money and take days to do one task sometimes. Like the recess one, is still a week away for me. But, my question is for this one. I have a bunch of saved vacation tickets because I’m deluxe (you know deluxe gets a FREE one each month). I was hoping they would come up with a new vacation because this one is getting old to me so I’m saving them. This challenge requires that I use ALL my tickets before it lets me buy a new one to complete level 2 of the challenge. I’ve tried using one of my tickets. I’ve tried to buy a new one (it said I already had a ticket to that destination and wouldn’t let me buy another one). I’ve even tried to go to the spa. Nothing works. Is anyone with extra tickets having any luck completing this Deep Sea Challenge? I don’t know what the final prize is, but the Deep Sea Explorer is not worth 15 of my Vacation tickets. HELP PLEASE.

  6. WoLf says:

    They do cost a lot of money and take days to do one task sometimes. Like the recess one, is still a week away for me. But, my question is for this one. I have a bunch of saved vacation tickets because I’m deluxe (you know deluxe gets a FREE one each month). I was hoping they would come up with a new vacation because this one is getting old to me so I’m saving them. This challenge requires that I use ALL my tickets before it lets me buy a new one to complete level 2 of the challenge. I’ve tried using one of my tickets. I’ve tried to buy a new one (it said I already had a ticket to that destination and wouldn’t let me buy another one). I’ve even tried to go to the spa. Nothing works. Is anyone with extra tickets having any luck completing this Deep Sea Challenge? I don’t know what the final prize is, but the Deep Sea Explorer is not worth 15 of my Vacation tickets. HELP

  7. Sandy says:

    On the second challenge for the under water challenge you have to score 2500 points on the game for the vacation which is not easy! and not everyone is good at that submarine game. :(

  8. brooke says:

    i want to join

  9. rozzie7928 says:

    what r these chanlleges ur talking about im so confused lol help!

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