New Fan Designed Recipe Food #1 – REVEALED!

The Webkinz art department has been busy taking our fan-designed recipe food winners and turning them into virtual recipe foods that will be released in Webkinz World soon! We are so excited to reveal the first of our three winning recipes – the Dino Dessert by BlueSpottedElephant!


Now, while bluespottedelephant created an awesome food, they didn’t specify the ingredients and appliance that should be used to create this delectable dessert! That’s where YOU come in!


Please let us know in the comments below which appliance and ingredients you think would go into creating the perfect Dino Dessert! The appliances could be a stove, sandwich maker or blender, and the ingredients must be three foods from the Ingredients category in the Foods section of the W Shop.


And to see how our artist’s version compares to the original submission, check out BlueSpottedElephant’s drawing below!


And keep watching Webkinz Newz for the reveal of the final versions of the other two winners of our Recipe Food contest!


65 Responses to New Fan Designed Recipe Food #1 – REVEALED!

  1. pinkstripedzebra says:

    Artichoke, Dragon Fruit, and Ice Cream Cone in a blender

  2. Lorraine5442 says:

    Peas, Marshmallows, and Waffles in a blender

  3. Demongirl10 says:

    Oh my gosh this is so cute! Congratulations to BlueSpottedElephant, this was one of my favorite designs so I’m so glad they won! :) Hmm for ingredients I agree with other players who have said Artichoke, Dragon Fruit, and Ice Cream Cone.

  4. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    It’s gotta have artichoke for the spikes and color, fits too perfectly. Then ice cream duh. Third ingredient could be a lot of things really but pear seems good for color and flavor.

  5. spootyquackers says:

    blender ice cream cone pickles and dragonfruit

  6. Avanator2009 says:

    Blueberry cheesecake, pineapple and waffles. Cheesecake for the creamy and blue so with the yellow pineapple it will make green :) An waffles are obvious for the cone. In a blender to keep it all frosty.

  7. megapoot says:

    I think the blender makes sense and the ingredients : Artichoke, Dragon Fruit, and Ice Cream Cone or Pear, Kiwi Fruit, and Ice Cream Cone.

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    Using a blender, combine an artichoke, an ice cream cone and grapes; or a pineapple, an ice cream cone and a pear. I know what the directions say above, but for more of a stretch, why don’t you have it be three items from Daisy Doe’s Diner? It could be something like crunchy kale chips, organic orange juice (which already resembles a long-necked dinosaur with the straw!) and one of the diner desserts (it would be great if they brought back ‘Avacadoe ice cream’, at least as a limited time flavor!)

  9. snowandlindsey says:

    For this, a blender should be used because an oven and sandwich maker both get hot. As for the ingredients, an ice cream cone (for obvious reasons ;)) a kiwi, because that’s the only fruit in the Wshop I could find that was green on the inside and a chocolate bar for his little eyes :) or we could make the ice cream from “scratch” and use milk, a waffle, and a kiwi.

  10. HobbitJedi says:

    This is very cool, but what about our clothing design winners? I am not trying to be rude, just a little curious. Also, for ingredients for Dino Dessert: Waffle for the cone, Avocado, and maybe Marshmallow?

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