New GanzWorld Rewards Prizes Available!


Did you know that there are NEW GanzWorld Rewards prizes now available for to purchase with your Moneyz?



To get these items, you can click the GanzWorld Rewards tab on the left side of the homepage OR the Login button at the top right of the screen:



Sort by “Webkinz” to see the new prizes!


74 Responses to New GanzWorld Rewards Prizes Available!

  1. ge6x says:

    I’m getting the slippers!!!!! :D

  2. StevenScreams says:

    Ooooh the kitty clock would look great in my cat theme room, and the golden lampost is beautiful!

  3. Emeraldlover67 says:

    Darn I only have 300 moneyz :( but hey im gonna save up. I have a feeling a certain friend wants a clock…..

  4. redrubyslippers says:

    Thanks for seeing my request for “NEW” Ganz Rewards.

  5. KinzMom5 says:

    SO EXCITED to see some new prizes – thanks, Ganz! :D

  6. Droom13 says:

    These new items are so awesome. I love getting cute items for my rooms!

  7. SignatureIsland says:

    I’m glad they finally updated this stuff. I have the hat. I MUST get the Cupcake Chair!

  8. Claire097 says:

    Okay, I know this comment is NOT about this, So I logged in to webkinz and My pet Cocoa had all zeros on her happiness, health, and hunger and it totally freaked me out so I webt to see Dr. Quack and he said she was fine. So finally I went to the W Shop and it said she was all 100s. Then I logged out and logged back in and she was fine. Ganz, PLEASE Fix This!!!

  9. Claire097 says:

    Okay, I know this comment is NOT about this, So I logged in to webkinz and My pet Cocoa had all zeros on her happiness, health, and hunger it totally freaked me out so I webt to see Dr. Quack and he said she was fine. So finally I went to the W Shop and it said she was all 100s. Then I logged out and logged back in and she was fine. Ganz, PLEASE Fix This!!!

  10. princesspuppy3 says:

    Hey! Ganz there is a glitch that is happening to my account. Whenever I log into webkinz, i see that my pet has zero on happiness, hunger, and health! I try to feed them a peice of food and it says, ” oh i am full.” Then when i log out, it is all back up too 100 on everything. Ganz whenever you can please fix this glitch!!!

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