Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!


Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Arcade on Webkinz.com and use the berries you earn at the end of the game to fill up your jars. Each time you fill a jar, you can trade it for a prize!



There will soon be some new prizes to collect playing Jumbleberry Fields!


To make room for these new jam jar goodies, we will be retiring some other prizes from the game after June 4th:



Have a filled jam jar? If you want one of these prizes, it’s your last chance to get it!


Watch Webkinz Newz to see the announcement for the NEW prizes on June 6th!


Which Jumbleberry Fields prizes are YOUR favorites to collect? Let us know in the comments below.


104 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!

  1. jbakcs789 says:

    It’s too bad we have to add berries one at a time. I have about 800 berries in my dock waiting for the new prizes and would love a “fill ‘er up” option.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Second! That could be followed by a “harvest all” button for our gardens, because while really life harvesting can be tedious, it shouldn’t be so in WW!

  2. Crantz says:

    Thanks for the notice, going to get another pie. These berries’ pies, look really pretty.

  3. Demonchildx113 says:

    Is there any way I could trade someone something for the green house? I have a few rare items!

  4. jsforfr says:

    Thank you for letting us know in advance which items will be leaving. I have to check on how many bonus rolls I have saved, I’d like to pick up one extra pie if I can, before it leaves.

  5. anon55 says:

    About time!

  6. MaliceLaStrange says:

    I’ve been saving up for the greenhouse forever ): But still dont have enough and dont even have half way filled.; so i guess there goes that ):

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Thanks for the advance notice; I guess I’ll be using the bonus plays I have saved to pick up the ones I don’t have. :-)

  8. pinkbluerainbowgirl says:

    Does anyone have an extra jumbleberry pie they can send me? I haven’t gotten it yet. pinkbluerainbowgirl

  9. CaroleF says:

    Thanks for the advance notice!

  10. albina521 says:

    Have everything but the green house need two for each of my accounts

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