Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!


Play Jumbleberry Fields at the Arcade on Webkinz.com and use the berries you earn at the end of the game to fill up your jars. Each time you fill a jar, you can trade it for a prize!



There will soon be some new prizes to collect playing Jumbleberry Fields!


To make room for these new jam jar goodies, we will be retiring some other prizes from the game after June 4th:



Have a filled jam jar? If you want one of these prizes, it’s your last chance to get it!


Watch Webkinz Newz to see the announcement for the NEW prizes on June 6th!


Which Jumbleberry Fields prizes are YOUR favorites to collect? Let us know in the comments below.


103 Responses to Jumbleberry Fields Prizes Retiring Soon!

  1. ImaPepper says:

    Well, I thought I had three of these prizes, but I guess I don’t have any of them. Guess I’ll try feeding berries to my pets for prizes; I think my odds are better that way. I’m going to save my berries from now on; thanks for the tip, frogmom! :-)

  2. sainfoin says:

    I was so upset when I came back to webkinz after 3 or 4 years to see that the moonberry pond had been retired because it was one of the two moonberry prizes I had always wanted. The other was the moonberry greenhouse, which I had won before I took a break. Quick tip: I have sent gifts to Sophie Stockwell before, and she has sent me pickleberries and moonberries before.

  3. honeyleaf says:

    Can someone please send me the Jumbleberry Pie?

  4. skizzles22 says:

    This is actually pretty upsetting. Why aren’t you retiring these after the berry festival??? This doesn’t give us much time to collect berries. I still need the greenhouse and I’m 14 moonberries away from getting it. I just got the bed on a different account, and I would have picked this instead if I’d known ahead of time. :(

  5. 5ginadog says:

    Man I wish I had enough to get the Map and Bean Bag.

  6. pinkbluerainbowgirl says:

    Does anyone have an extra country bonnet or jumbleberry bean bag? I haven’t gotten them yet. pinkbluerainbowgirl

  7. lilaclilyofthevalley says:

    Oh, no! I have 67 moonberries and have been saving for the Moonberry Greenhouse forever! It takes so long to get moonberries :’(

  8. cakis says:

    still trying to get the pie, hope i make it

  9. baba1icious says:

    perhaps in the future you could give us more notice so we have time to work towards an item we’d like to have before it retires. i just cleaned out my jumbleberry jar and now i won’t have enough time to earn enough for a greenhouse :(

  10. Austenshire says:

    I don’t have that greenhouse, but I have a different one. I think it was a challenge prize. I hope I have time to get the jumbleberry bean bag. I think I have everything else.

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