NEW KinzPost Halloween Messages!


Hello everyone! It is I, Fiona Feathers, and I’m here to tell you some EXCITING news: there are NEW Halloween messages at the KinzPost! HOORAY!


If you want to send a friend a spooky letter or two, simply go the KinzPost in Webkinz World, choose to send a friend a package and then select a Halloween message:



Have a blast!


220 Responses to NEW KinzPost Halloween Messages!

  1. Mochagarden5 says:

    This is SO awesome!!! Thanks so much, Fiona! Happy Halloween, everyone!

  2. xoingtoby says:

    Dang – I wish I would have seen this when I sent the deluxe costume to my friend. That would have been a cool message to go along with the gift.

  3. Lisamarie580 says:

    ganz your not fooling anybody. we can clearly see that the name blurred out is daisy doe just so she can try and convince us to vote for her. has she seen the voting scores latly? she needs to

  4. doggylover800 says:

    Wait why can’t webkinz ever make it so you can type your own words? Like just type what you want to say and like webkinz will monitor your message. I wish you could do that because sometimes I try to tell my friend that I have to go, but why can’t you just make webkinz a better place for all? That would be AWESOME if you could type your own messages. Just an idea ;)

  5. sweetpie11 says:

    I dont see the halloween letters in the kinz post!

  6. minigummybears says:

    * Says really quickly.* TRICK OR TREAT HERE’S GIFT FOR YOU. * Throws box / letter at person mailing stuff to, runs away.* … :D Oooooooo! That’s cool! Now I can actually become more sociable with the random strangers on my friends list! Seriously though, that’s cool.

  7. jenniferobbi3 says:

    Fiona looks cute in her bunny mask.

  8. arzi02 says:

    Maybe it’s just my computer, but on the front of the post is a seal! Is that normal?

  9. BH1464 says:

    Did anyone else notice that Fiona Feathers isn’t a bird in this post? She looks like a squirrel. What’s up with that? Is she wearing a Halloween costume? Gennelle, could you please respond? Thanks.

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