New Overtime Challenge!









There are so many jobs to do in Webkinz World – and Tabby is always looking for hard workers like you! To really get the job done, play the new “Overtime” challenges. In this series of challenges, you’ll be able to do some jobs, redecorate, and play some games.

Before you can do the “Overtime” challenges, you need to have completed your “Do Your Dailies” challenges. This Challenge never expires – you can have as long as you need to get it done!

You can find challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started.

As you complete the “Overtime” challenges, you’ll unlock all sorts of great prizes. Have fun!

409 Responses to New Overtime Challenge!

  1. klf104 says:

    Wish that you would make the arcade portions all cumulative points. kids cant get past the dex dangerous and farmer game ones and are really frustrated because they want the prizes

  2. chel12 says:

    i did my recess today to… lol

  3. pugsley says:

    Ilove Harry Potter :) i know how to make all of these cute little faces here are the ones i know. :) :( ;0 ;( ;) :p ;p :b ;b :B ;B

  4. poff89 says:

    this is awsome

  5. danieleb says:

    I just need to take recess, harvest 10 plants, and eat 1 farm fresh food.

  6. shannon says:

    wow this is really cool i cant believe this happening

  7. Gyfyftygtes says:

    I think this challenge will be fun but it’s sounds really hard, from reading all the comments!!
    It does stink that you have to do so many days in order to have recess! Just like real school! LOL

  8. Jessica says:

    Where is the icon?

  9. mac10099 says:

    this is going to be fun

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