NEW Prizes Available on Webkinz Mobile!


Get into the Halloween spirit on Webkinz Mobile! Spin the Wheel of Wow on Webkinz Mobile for the chance to win great holiday themed prizes for your pet INCLUDING the rare Candy Corn Witch costume!


Available October 8th – October 28th:



Download the Webkinz Mobile app to shop, play games, dress and feed your pets on the go!


The Webkinz Mobile Pet app is now available for FREE on iTunes* … and on the Google Play Store**


113 Responses to NEW Prizes Available on Webkinz Mobile!

  1. RandomName2014 says:

    I got all of those already except the Purple Modern Vampire Shirt. I really hope I can get it! :-D And, the goodies on the Wheel of Wow in the browser version. I just keep getting coins. :-(

  2. teamsweet2013 says:

    Aw, the candy corn one is so cute! I have to get on that app next time I get a chance!

  3. oats34WK says:

    playnowpuppy, i can’t make it to your party on wednesday evening because i have to go to work that evening. I’m so sorry.

  4. princessthayet says:

    I do not have mobil. I wish that I had the candy corn witch dress. SO CUTE! :(

  5. GreenSecret says:

    Awesome costumes. How about some new items that I can spend my Ganz World Moneyz on? I really, really want to spend some on something new.

  6. zibblescarrot says:

    Sounds fun.Can’t wait to spin mobile and earn some awesome prizes. If I win some maybe I can gift to friends or others Webkinz. Become my friend at 508Ava!

  7. TheLordIsMyAnchor says:

    I need help! I’m getting a opal puppy yay! and I need to know what to name it! ok sooo I need to know to make it a boy or girl I can only get one for now and I really need to know! If it was a girl i’d name it Alyssa, if it was a boy I’d name it Gabriel. :D

    • playnowpuppy says:

      As much as I like the name Gabriel, (like the angel Gabriel) I say u make it a girl and name it Alyssa because the puppy looks llighter pink and the PSI for the Opalle puppy is pink and Pink works with a girl name :) plus if u decide to, in the future u can get all the other stuff for the opal puppy, like the dress for girl webkinz :)

    • marco090101 says:

      Well first, do you have a lot of Webkinz that are girls or boys? Cuz if you have a lot of girl Webkinz, make your Opal Puppy a boy, so you can buy boy stuff and make it different. And visa versa. That’s what I did. I had two boy Webkinz and I got a new one and I made her a girl, so I could have cute dresses and a pink frilly ballerina bed. So it’s your pick. But whatever you pick will be good, since Webkinz are awesome!

  8. xoingtoby says:

    These were older costumes anyway, so anyone who has been around a while will probably have these, but it’s fun getting them again anyway.

  9. hln2004 says:

    I feel lucky! I’ve had the Candy Corn Witch outfit for a looooooooooooong webkinz time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. snowflakepup4047 says:


    • playnowpuppy says:


    • oats34WK says:

      Yeah they are really cute.

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