Deluxe Members will get a welcome surprise when they visit Today’s Activities—we’ve updated the prizes on two of the most popular games! Now when Deluxe Members play the Wheel of Deluxe, they will have a chance to win the House of Deluxe Shield, a Powerful Pedestal, or a Superstar Carpet! When they play the Deluxe Prize Machine they may just win some Super Special Onesie Pajamas, an Elegant Golden Tiara, or one of several new unique Deluxe food prizes! There’s never been a better time than now to become a Deluxe Member!
I want deluxe to buy all the little plushies! My collection so far is a mere 3, and I need more!!! I’m CookieBitz and I’d love a gift! Thanks~ :)
i am not a deluxe so how i am supposed to get those prizes
I got the pedestal…it is so cool!!
My favorite game is deluxe now. Ganz makes all the cool outfits in the Kinzstyle Outlet deluxe, and I don’t want to have to waste money buying deluxe membership, when they could just make less things deluxe.
I want an Elegant Golden Tiara soooooo badly!
You need to put a date on your announcements. This popped up, and it’s like 6 months old.
I really do not like when ganz makes everything deluxe because some people have better things to with their money, though it is infuriating to see the coolest of everything reserved for those who want to spend money on deluxe membership. Isn’t it enough that we spend like 15 bucks on pets every year just for regular membership?
i like being a member i have 8 animals i love them but i agree
I am not deluxe :(
I wish I was deluxe. :( But I dont even tell my parents that I want to be deluxe, but im afraid they will say no. :( but can anyone tell me if it cost money to be deluxe? Im waiting a long time to find out.