NEW Retro Replay items are HERE! Go Go Go Googles!



Go Go Go Googles is now a Retro Replay Video Challenge on Webkinz Newz.

That means NEW Retro Replay items
are available at Ganz eStore!

Celebrate past Webkinz Pet of the Months, with Retro Replay items that are inspired by or featured in the Pet of the Month music videos! Head over to the Pet of the Month videos on Webkinz Newz and revisit this Pet of the Month Video Retro Replay – you have a chance to Win a Prize by answering the trivia questions at the end of the video!

This month’s Retro Replay items include the Pink Googles Stage!
Any pet with a unique talent or just a love of performing will want to come up and show off on this stage! Watch your Pet dance this way and that!

Stay tuned for more Retro Replay items coming each month!

You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!


50 Responses to NEW Retro Replay items are HERE! Go Go Go Googles!

  1. rosie says:

    I LOVE that stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. heidi says:

    i love it i wish i cod get it :(

  3. flopsyanna says:

    It isn’t fare that only some people can get the cool stuff!!! I think everyone should be able to get the same stuff! I want you guys to change that or that is so so so not fare! I really want all that stuff but you guys wont let us!! That is not fare!

  4. nacob1 says:

    i 100% agree that its not fair that the estore has all of the good stuff . also im a deluxe member i didn’t get estore pionts

  5. katrina says:

    thats awsome10000000/0

  6. mygee24 says:

    i think you should be able to use kinz cash for some estore items that would be cool

  7. Donuts67 says:

    I remember when there was no e store or deluxe membership. I wish it was still like that :(

  8. Skiddly says:

    This is okay I guess. It just stinks that it’s eStore.

  9. Skiddly says:

    It’s alright I guess. If I had eStore I’d much rather get a Peridot Dog or other pets!

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