Amazing Operation Gumball!




Operation Gumball is a fantastically challenging game in the Arcade. It’s a code-breaking, gumball rolling good time! To play this game, you have to guess the order and the sequence of the number needed to crack the code. Just watch the time on the clock and make sure you guess the sequence before the gumballs fill up the machine!


When you’re cracking the code, the gumballs that roll out tell you about whether the code you guessed is right or not. This is what the colors tell you:


You know you’ve got a correct number in a correct spot if you see a green gumball.

You know you’ve got a correct number in an incorrect spot if you see a red gumball.

You know none of the numbers you guessed are correct at all if you see no gumballs.


The trophy is totally awesome – and you have a chance to win it at any point during the game (but you can only ever win one).  


Good luck with those gumballs!

19 Responses to Amazing Operation Gumball!

  1. penguingirl145 says:

    This game is really hard!!!! I kept losing in the game

  2. Skiddly says:

    I don’t find this game boring at all! I want to win the trophy, but it can get tricky. I can get easy mode right away, but when you get to regular it just comes down to a matter of luck because there are too many possible outcomes.

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