New Rooms in the Clubhouse!


You may have noticed that we have added some new rooms to the Clubhouse. Look for the VIP Lounge, the Fast Food Restaurant, Enchanted Train Station and more on your next visit to the Clubhouse. We switch up the rooms every few weeks so come back often to what is available.


What is your favorite Clubhouse room? Leave us your comments below…



89 Responses to New Rooms in the Clubhouse!

  1. stacieme222 says:

    i think every room in the clubhouse should become a room theme you can buy WHO is with me!?

  2. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    For a while our computer wasn’t working so I didn’t even know they took away the runway room, so it was never really gone for me! Glad they brought it back though. I love that room! p.s. I have a question about kinzchat plus. how often do people talk about boyfriend girlfriend stuff on there? My mom won’t let me get it because of that. I want kinzchat plus because sometimes I’ll be trading and it won’t let me complete the trade. I’ve lost some great items because of it too. I can tell the person I’m trading with is getting mad too. I just wish I could tell them “one second, It won’t let me click the trade button” But I can’t because I don’t have kinzchat plus.

  3. countryscout2001 says:


  4. webkinz351149 says:

    that is so cool

  5. McKittyKittyLuvsJB says:

    I think Webkinz took the VIP Lounge away from KinzChat. :/ I’m just glad they brought back the Runway Room. That room has always been my fav!

  6. tweetylauren2005 says:


  7. als123 says:

    I hope the DON’T retire the trading room and runway room. If they retire them I quit webkinz.

  8. hannacupcakepup says:

    ware? thay are not in the club house not even in the kinz chat plus :(

  9. fluffydog234 says:

    you do know that the runway room is still in the clubhouse right? Not to be rude or anything but when I go there they show the runway room and let me go in and there are other people there too. I don’t know about you but I believe it is still there

  10. Elmst117 says:

    i thought the rooms were stuff you could buy in the W Shop

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