New Search Your Dock Feature in Webkinz Next

Tell us what you think!

Earlier this year, we added a search and organize feature to the dock in Webkinz Next.

We’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you think of the new Search Your Dock feature?
Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



71 Responses to New Search Your Dock Feature in Webkinz Next

  1. memsrjoan says:

    This is a GREAT feature. Thank you for adding it.

  2. rach1794 says:

    Love the search capability. I’ve just recently given Next another try so I don’t have lots of places to put stuff. It’s great that it will find the items in the dock but would be really awesome if it also could indicate if you had an item in a room/house. I’d also really love to see a search feature for the Wshop. So many times my pet request is to buy an item and I never find it as the Theme items don’t show up in the regular categories and some items have a Theme name (like one of the Tween bookcases) which isn’t in the Theme but is in the regular categories. As others have said would love to see it in Classic too.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Thank you for bringing this up! The Next Wshop categories could definitely use some tweaking to make them more like the ones in Classic (if a search feature can’t be added). I don’t know how many times my pet has asked me to buy something and then the frantic search begins. I remember when my pet wanted a potted pink lily. It’s only 35KC so I’m happy to get her what she’s asking for. Now to find it… I looked all through Decorations, thinking that it should be like Classic: Decorations, subheading ‘Plants’. But no. Apparently the potted pink lily is living room furniture. Go figure. I had to request extra time and still barely made it.

  3. horselver07 says:

    I just wish that the new tab’s default was new to oldest and not alphabetical order. it gets annoying to either search for the stuff if you have a lot in new tab or switch constantly. Because going from house to kinzville or in reverse order always changes it back to alphabetical. Other than that, pretty cool, I guess.

  4. davids1lilpixie says:

    I absolutely LOVE being able to reverse the dock when I’m looking for things. What I’m not so thrilled about is finding the New Dock is now alphabetized. Makes it a great pain in the tuckus when I’m buying garden seeds, sigh.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Yes! Great point! The “New” tab in the dock definitely needs to stay most recent first. Hopefully they can change that back without too much difficulty.

  5. Mummabean says:

    Love it! Very handy

  6. conductorb says:

    This really should have been added to the Classic version first! I know all the loyal, longtime players have been wanting/waiting for this feature for years. Does this mean that Classic is being left behind? Very sad.

    • sally says:

      Classic hasn’t had new functionality added since Flash was retired. We came up with a solution to keep the game available, while most other sites simply shut down.

      • claran says:

        And we love you guys for that <3

      • kalcan8 says:

        A huge thank you to your tech team for figuring it out and keeping our Classic WW alive and well. We are all so thankful that we don’t have to close that chapter of our lives just yet! I didn’t know that new functionality could no longer be added to Classic. I don’t know anything about programming but I was majorly excited when they came out with customizable divider walls that could have decorations placed on top! Mind blown! That may not have been difficult to program, but it made me smile and gives me hope for Classic.

        • sally says:

          The divider walls use all existing features! They’re just items (content) that use the clothing machine (existing feature) to create recipe items. So we can add more stuff easily enough, but more complicated things that change how the game works would require a complete overhaul.

      • granpa4 says:

        So Sally are you telling us that classic will not be getting the same updates that next does?

        • granpa4 says:

          oops….This was supposed to come as a reply to conductorb above. I do appreciate that classic is still here for those of us that don’t like next.

  7. 001meg says:

    So cool! This would be amazing in Classic – I don’t play Next but oh my gosh I have so many things in my doc that I’ve said this would be a really cool addition out loud before haha! I feel like there could be some really nice quality of life changes in Classic!

  8. weatherill says:

    wish we could do this in classic please

  9. OtterPikaLove says:

    I love it, but I’d love it more on Classic!

  10. chickenlittleROX says:

    I love it – easier to find things now especially when a pet requests something.

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