New Ultra-Rare Limited Edition Plush In Webkinz Next!


Hello, baby! Meet the newest addition to the plush Webkinz family – the ultra-rare limited edition Silver-Toed Sloth, available exclusively through sparking in Webkinz Next.


Any time you spark a baby in Webkinz Next, there is a chance that you will unlock a special rare pet. And all of them come with the chance to purchase a limited edition plush!


You can improve your odds of sparking a Silver-Toed Sloth by using sparks from a Sloth parent. You can also use uncommon or rare parents as another way to help your chances.


If you do spark a rare or ultra-rare plush pet, the virtual baby will be added to your family instantly. You will have the option to purchase this rare plush for two weeks from the time you sparked before the offer expires.
When these limited edition pets grow into adults, they have three Sparks of their own that you can use to spark babies. Rare and ultra-rare parents can pass down unique traits to their babies that you can’t get from other pets!


Plus, when they grow up you’ll receive their giftbox with their Pet Specific Food (PSF), the Lazy Day Empanada, and Pet Specific Item (PSI), the Enchanted Dreams Tree Bed!



If you have already purchased a Silver-Toed Sloth and you spark another, you can choose to create a different baby in its place.


The rare and ultra-rare limited edition plush pets are exclusive to Webkinz Next. They do not include a code for a pet on Webkinz Classic.


These plush are extremely limited in quantity! Head to the adoption center for your chance to add one of these rare babies to your Webkinz Next family.
Which rare or ultra-rare baby are YOU hoping to spark?



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


24 Responses to New Ultra-Rare Limited Edition Plush In Webkinz Next!

  1. euchee says:

    Honestly, I do not like this idea. First, when I spark a baby using two different animals, I expect one or the other. I would be mortified if I got a sloth, I do not like the looks of them. I appreciate others loving this pet, but it is not for me and as an alternative I would like to at least have the choice if I want it or not. The second part of this dislike is the constant notification to buy this as a plush (as it is a special one). It should be up for about 3 days then have a choice to remove the notification.

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      I’m not really a fan of the “redemption” idea myself since sometimes requires you to spend a LOT of money to get what you want (and even then you might not get it), but at the very least, if you don’t like the pet you got, they’re not forcing you to buy it. Plus you can actually “re-roll” when you spark at any time if you don’t like how the baby turned out.

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    Wow! I guess Ganz finally decided to release this thing LOL! I remember someone finding one of these in a brick and mortar store a couple years ago but it was only for display! It’s a really pretty color!

  3. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Aww the color is super nice and pretty and super cute if I had that I’d name it Sophie lol

  4. KarenaJ says:

    What a super cutie!!!

  5. davids1lilpixie says:

    Ooh I’d love to add this plushie to my Webkinz collection! :D

  6. 2002hun says:

    I think i have the worst luck with sparking babies! A few months ago i tried for the limited edition lion by using all of my lion’s sparks and I didn’t even get any regular lions. Now i am stuck with a bunch of dogs and a lonely sparkless lion lol

  7. crystalfawns53 says:

    I have tried to play on Webkinz Next and after the most recent update, my items take a while to load and when I try to go out of my house on Next to other places in the game, the screen doesn’t load. This has happened for every device that I tried. I’m not sure what to do because this only happened after the update.

    • cr2w says:

      My loads slow too! But only freezes up once in a while. Sometimes able to Quit and restart, but sometimes have to shut down laptop.

    • iamtntru says:

      I have had the same problem since the update. I thought it was just me, but obviously not.

    • KelliAnn11 says:

      I have had this issue as well. Also, many of the items in my dock do not show. The names of the item shows if I hover my mouse in the blank spaces, but I can’t do anything with them. It also won’t let me put anything in my rooms – annoying when I’m trying to fill a pet request!

    • slk says:

      I’ve always had loading issues with this game. It’s atrociously heavy. Trying to log in can take up to 10 minutes alone on my PC just to get from grey screen to log in screen without name info to when it finally gives name info and colorizes the play button to log in. And yes, trying to get the images to load in the dock is a beast.

  8. kalcan8 says:

    This is so exciting! This Ltd. Edition sloth is such a cutie! Will the orginal sloth be going virtual only any time soon? I would like to improve my chances of sparking one of these, but I only want to purchase one plush.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I’m not sure, but I wish that the pets had the virtual option as well, especially when there is an appreciation day specific to that pet (whether it is sold out or not). But having higher rarity pets also increases your odds of getting a limited edition pet.

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      I noticed that they start selling the virtual-only ones whenever the plush sells out. So if there’s still a lot of sloths left, it will probably still be awhile.

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