Notice of Plush Price Increase

Since the release of Webkinz Next back in 2020, we have committed to a cost for our new plush toys of $29.99 USD including shipping. Due to increased costs for shipping, and the addition of increased tariffs to our products, we have made the difficult decision to raise the price of our plush going forward.


As of Tuesday, March 25, 2025, the new price will be $34.99 USD, still including shipping to anywhere in the United States or Canada.


Thank you for your continued support of Webkinz as we ramp up for our 20th Anniversary celebrations.

45 Responses to Notice of Plush Price Increase

  1. beth7713 says:

    $30 was already unaffordable lol

  2. dixiecup says:

    You are still Webkinz, you aren’t closing the doors, you aren’t saying you have to cut back production or that you have to close one or the other. You are still open for business. For that I am grateful. It is one of the things I truly enjoy in life and I love being able to share it with others. In all the years you have given us Webkinz there are so many things you didn’t change. I think we all feel sad that you had to do this, but I can see why. Thank you for letting us know.

  3. mojo3040 says:

    i think this is a fair response. the price increase is not that crazy considering everything that is happening in the world today. thank you for the update and keep up the wonderful work!!

  4. hungrymonkey says:

    understandable :)

  5. suzeedee9648 says:

    I also have been on here since 2009. My grandchildren were playing, and they thought I needed an account too. My first pet was the American Buffalo I named Boone. The kids are all grown now and Grandma was awarded their accounts and the plushes. I must have 500 of them ! I still play every day and love the challenges and the events. I still play the classic, I can’t seem to follow Next, guess I’m too old!!! Enjoy as long as you can.

    • megamom12 says:

      I’m glad that I’m not the only granny still playing this!

    • dixiecup says:

      I have been with Webkinz since 2007. You are not too old to learn, never say that. Give yourself time, honestly. I think my Next account was opened about a year after it launched. I have taken it easy ever since. I go on once in a while to check things out, to participate in some of the activities, to spin the Wheel of Wow and go do some mining. I don’t think I have even achieved the first challenges, yet. But I still go back and I play a little more all the time. I love that you can decorate more freely, that Classic Collection events will give you more in game items to work with and that you can buy some things and send them back to Classic! I haven’t sparked a baby, yet. I am still working on my first pet. But it doesn’t matter, no one is giving me a deadline, I just play at my leisure. Take it easy, explore and try things out. I think you will be surprised at what a nice game it really is.

  6. cmckechn123 says:

    I am sorry that you’ve had to make this decision, but I do understand why and will continue to support you. I look forward to the day tariffs are gone and hope that day comes soon.

  7. holomermaid says:

    My issue with the plush is not their price (although it is unaffordable), it’s the fact that you’re forced to buy TWO if you want to guarantee a species line. Already 100CAD was very unaffordable for a guaranteed species line, now it being 120CAD has turned me off from buying them again in the future. Making spark drinks more readily available year round would be the perfect middle ground and would encourage myself and many others to purchase the plush line.

    • wk2nd says:

      Yes, I thought we were supposed to be able to buy them for like five dollars. I’m referring to the cans for the extra spark. Please add that so we can buy them at least if you do that it will mitigate the issue with buying a pleasure being stressed so much when you don’t get one, you could continue to buy cans to keep trying without having to automatically buy a new plush Of a plus you already have

  8. Helenka says:

    Thanks . I have been on here 18 or 19 years will stay on I am in my 70s old even though I cannot play all the games I love both Webkinz cites and even though I do not get alot of the games done I will still by season pass also thank you

    • tuscan2007 says:

      Totally agree with Helenka. I to am in my 70′s. I love playing with my grandchildren and great grandchildren. We even got their mother/grandmother to sign on. She had no part of Webkinz when her kids were little. Now she is on and playing with her grandchild.

      • stinkypete says:

        I love this for both of you. I am 28, been playing since 2007. I stopped playing for a while as life got in the way, but I’m back now and don’t plan on stopping again. I’ve even got both my kids an account, even though my daughter is only 4. We still enjoy doing small thing together (:

  9. mtigger401 says:

    I appreciate the “heads up.” I now buy only virtual even though I love the plush. I had so many, I donated them to a woman’s shelter for the children.

  10. hlfbkdfae says:

    Thank you so much for all you guys do for us and letting us know about the raise. I’m sorry you all even had to come to this decision, with everything going on it’s very understandable as to why it’s happening.

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