November Deluxe Day is TODAY!


Once again, Deluxe Members can log in TODAY, Sunday, November 24th, and visit Today’s Activities (on the Webkinz Classic desktop app) to receive a special prize: a Vintage Garage!





This garage can store up to 15 vehicles! (vehicles not included)





If you’d like to join in on the fun and prizes, have a parent visit the Ganz eStore to upgrade your account!




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10 Responses to November Deluxe Day is TODAY!

  1. puppyluv9063 says:

    So cute :) Thank you!

  2. kalcan8 says:

    This makes me smile every time I look at it! Tip-of-the-hat to the design team! Thank you for this wonderfully designed and marvelously useful item!

  3. mfaull says:

    This is a wonderful prize! Thank you.

  4. wingsfan65 says:

    Wow, that is /so/ handy! Thanks, Webkinz :)

  5. 7debbie7 says:

    Happy Deluxe Day To Everyone In WW! Thanks Ganz.

  6. hgalky says:

    It’s very cool but the dimensions are a little off :/

    • athia_xx says:

      agreed, i wish they had made it at least one square bigger in both directions. i tried to place a table next to it and the table looked absolutely huge comparatively

      • alucard says:

        I was thinking the same thing. Love the storage, but it really needed to be a bit bigger in size. Like the Smoothie Moves building. :-)

        • piggitime says:

          I’m so tired of missing everything I paid for. I could have used this on all my deluxe accounts. These things really have to become accessible via mobile. I can sometimes borrow a phone. I have absolutely nowhere accessible where I could borrow a cup of internet. GAH

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